Tuesday, August 5, 2008

minor irritation becomes major problem

The cranial nerve plays a dominant role in the life of our brain. i injured my eye by making a series of stupid choices that accumulated over time to make a minor irritation into a major problem. What this problem accomplished was alerting me to the very real function of the major senses.

Taste, smell, vision and hearing.

It is very hard to function when one of these is missing. It is not like breaking a bone. When you break a bone the pain is incredible but once the pain is contained you continue existence somewhat impaired but not completely. Your brain still feels normal, your head is still in one piece.

Injuring an eye, an ear, your mouth or your nose impacts you in ways unanticipated. We use these organs without thinking about them, constantly, when we are awake and when we are asleep. They are working overtime even when we least understand their functions.

The ability to see, hear, taste and smell is tantamont to understanding the world around you. When one is missing stimuli coming in is limited, we can't see, hear, taste, or smell as well as we should which impacts our ability to get a clear picture. When the picture gets fuzzy we make mistakes.

In our everyday lives when we choose to silence others because their views don't mesh with ours we have limited our ability to understand mankind and learn how to compromise. We choose to close the door on their message because we don't like the implications listening might entail. Listening might mean we have to re-evaluate our own conclusions. Listening might mean we have to re-examine something we thought we knew to be true but are no longer comfortable considering as true. Confronted with facts that may lead to an opposing position means we have to back pedal. It means we may have to admit we were wrong. It means we may have to change our view.

There is nothing wrong with this even though our media has made flip-flopping a negative. In fact the ability to admit that you are wrong indicates an open mind. It indicates that one is willing to rectify wrongs, make amends and move forward to correct the injustice if there was one.

As this world of ours grows ever smaller we find ourselves having to communicate with those unlike us. Technology has made our lives simpler and more complicated at the same time. We find we aren't taking information in the same way we used to. Now we have access to a variety of sources that we may not have had available in the past. We can reach people all over the world in an instant and they can reach us with their views which may differ completely from ours but still be something we should consider.

Conducting our lives without thinking about how we impact others is no longer an option. We have to use all our senses hearing, taste, smell and sight to get the clearest picture when we deal with anyone we call a human being.

Please try to place yourself in another's shoes first before you decide you know who they are.

Use all your senses.....every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered. G.K. Chesterton

mark v.