Friday, November 14, 2008

peace alliance

In Afghanistan anti-war groups are convening to encourage dialog between the disparate groups to come together and find a way to end the war. There it is called a "peace jirga".

In September, in Saudi Arabia, a secret meeting by the government was held to bring together representatives of the Taliban to help find a way to a negotiated settlement in Afghanistan.

In Sudan there is a group led by Dolly Odwong, Mary Ret and Christine Leno, who are part of a twenty nation coalition that calls themselves "Woman Waging Peace". Dolly and others meet across borders to wage peace and work with women and children who are directly affected by the ongoing violent conflicts. They are trying to encourage reconciliation between the warring groups but they need international attention.

Another group with a presence on the internet is called "If Americans Knew". This is a place where Americans, if they so choose, can learn more about the Israel/Palestine issue. Their goal is to make available full and accurate information on this critical issue. They believe it is their duty – to bring a resolution to the ongoing occupation.

Media groups are trying to encourage peace through use of the Internet. They believe a strong internet presence will combat authoritarian regimes abilities to keep their populations ignorant of opposing views. They believe that as the world becomes more connected the ability to manipulate opinion in favor of war fades.

Conflict is inevitable, violence is not.

Understanding that you can have a conflict and resolve it without violence is the first cornerstone of a pursuit for peaceful outcomes. UNESCO states that "War begins in the minds of men." i say that war also ends in the minds of men and women when conflict and violence are separated. Too often wars are begun through the manipulation of public opinion. The voices speaking out for temperance are often disavowed through the use of hate and fear. If you can convince a population to hate you can also convince it to love.

As i said conflict is inevitable, violence is not.

There are all sorts of groups world wide using different methods to create peaceful outcomes. The short list above reflects groups working to solve problems in their countries. Here in the United States we also have groups working for Peace across all sectors of our society, we even have the United States Institute for Peace, an independent, non-partisan national institution which was created by Congress and can advise but has no place in cabinet meetings. Their production of the Iraq Study Group proposal and its failure to be considered by our President demonstrates its lack of teeth.

Unfortunately, governments worldwide do not have Peace Departments that function as a part of government. After thousands of years of conflict that results in violence isn't it time we set a new example. Isn't it time we demonstrate to the world that we can also focus on Peace as an integral part of who we are as a nation. What would the outcome have been had we had a Secretary of Peace involved in daily discussions with the President when he was contemplating invading Iraq?

There is legislation to create a Department of Peace in the United States government. The Secretary of this department will advise the President on peace building needs, strategies, and tactics for use domestically and internationally. A Peace Academy will be created which will be a sister academy to the Army, Navy and Air Force Academies.

The idea for a Department of Peace began with the creation of our nation. In 1792 Benjamin Banneker, noted African American scientist, surveyor, and editor and Benjamin Rush, doctor, educator and signer of the Declaration of Independence suggested the blue print for an Office of Peace. Unfortunately we are still trying, over 200 years later, to implement this wise idea.

For a more detailed discussion of this legislation i encourage you to investigate and give your full support to the Peace Alliance. You can find more information at their website or click the banner at the top of the page.

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