Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Update on the underwater growth

Update on the Cyanobacteria. i had a lot of responses to last weeks piece that went to my e-mail address not on the blog. One poster here had an alarming comment that would be true if what we collected had been the stuff referenced, it wasn't.

Many people from all over helped out by directing me to links that may have had the answer. One picture that was closest to our sample material may be it but we still aren't sure. The explanation details a defensive mechanism by the coral. Apparently corals can secret a mucous that is used to clean debris and sediment off the coral. In other words the coral creates this substance to clean itself. Quite an ingenious method and would explain why it came off so easily. It doesn't explain why it felt so spongy. Unfortunately this answer is also one which can be an indicator of stress and a precursor to more coral bleaching.

As i said last week, the material disappeared in two days. Very, very odd and we are still keeping our eye out for more. Fish and Wildlife is taking the dead black piece i still have...they may be able to glean something from it. Thank you all for the great links and responses.

Next up is the Peace Index, the total number of countries covered is 144, encompassing almost 99% of the world's population and over 87% of the planet's land mass. So often all we focus on is conflict, agonizing about localities around the world that remain dangerous. One thing overlooked is that even those dangerous places have large pockets of stability.

Last year(2008) Iceland topped the list in the number one(1) spot with Denmark a close second(2), Canada placed eleventh(11), the US placed Ninety-Seventh(97), Israel came in One Hundred and Thirty Sixth(136) and Iraq was last at One Hundred and Forty(140). Iraq is still last but four more countries were added so Iraq is now One Hundred and Forty Four(144). Israel is One Hundred and Forty One (141), Canada moved up and is now eight (8), New Zealand is first(1) Denmark is still second(2) and zooming right up the ladder the US has moved to Eight Third place(83) Whew!

Political Anger

1992-1999. Years of the "Angry White Man." Anger: GOOD Thing!!

2002-2008: Years of the "Angry Left" denounced in chorus by the so called "responsible" mainstream voices; EVIL AND NASTY, UNPATRIOTIC!!

2009. Year of the "Angry White Man. Anger:" GOOD Thing!

Buzz words to make you FEARFUL about health insurance reform.
death panel
government take over
government doesn't work

Writers that use those words in their pieces don't want you to think about the real issues. They want to cloud your mind with visions of takeover and evil.
Skip those.

A Public Option Insurance Plan

A public plan could offer the same benefits as a private plan at less cost because it would not have the high administrative costs—which include sales, marketing, and underwriting expenses—associated with most private plans. It would not be under constant pressure from Wall Street to reward shareholders by constantly keeping an eye on the medical loss ratio and earnings per share, and it would not have to make a profit.

We should be comparing what insurers, drug companies, and organized medicine said during earlier reform efforts, and then report on how well they've delivered on those promises. The evidence shows they haven't delivered. Insurance companies would rather fight you in court and pay a fine than follow the regulations. So why believe any reform has a chance with out a public option?

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE FREE MARKET HEALTH CARE HAS WORKED FOR THE PATIENT, there is lots of evidence to show it works for insurance companies.

Personally, i think some things in this world should not be controlled by profits, illness is one of them.

And finally, i have been thinking about religion mixing with politics in the United States:

Some immature people use religion to destroy each others freedom, create bondage and make church's holding pens for intolerance. Mature people, that don't use religion as a crutch, can help each other create more accepting environments, they can help each other to reduce violence and destroy the bondage, they can create a world where the flow of information is not controlled by fear. When love flows with freedom there is beauty. When love flows with dependence there is ugliness.

Some immature people also use religion to excuse bad behavior. They make decisions in favor of bad behavior, knowing they will be forgiven. Mature people, that don't use religion as a crutch, do not make decisions expecting to be excused or forgiven in some afterlife, they understand they need the integrity to stand alone here today in this life and be judged today for what they have done.

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