Wednesday, September 2, 2009

clean that dirty water

Human Beings get pretty raunchy if we go days or even a week without cleaning our body. Today, if you didn't wash, friends and enemies would smell you coming and get out of the way so as not to assault their olfactory glands. In fact, if you aren't clean the chances of being shunned by those around you rises exponentially.

We all have active odor receptive genes that kick into high gear when something is not hosed down or emits a rank odor. Smells that are offensive explain our dedication to trying to keep a modicum of cleanliness. We enjoy clean bodies, hair and surroundings.

We spend large sums of money annually cleaning up our lives after making messes.

We don't all do ritual cleaning but it is a mainstay in many religions and typically involves the use of water in some manner. Sweat lodges, standing under waterfalls, bathing in rivers, washing the feet, hands and face, pouring water over the heads of babies and full ritual immersion before interacting with a god of any sort are part and parcel of religious traditions world wide.

Cleaning goes on in nature as well. Mother Nature uses snow, hurricanes, tornados, fire, floods, wind and rain to clean out debris and let new life begin. Animals, reptiles, birds and insects all perform some type of cleaning ritual, be it on their bodies or in their homes. Everything on this earth gets cleansed in some manner during its lifetime.

We here in the Virgin Islands are in for some annual cleaning out. It is hurricane season. Historically September and October bring on the rains and the hurricanes and it cleans things out to say the least.

This is going to be short...but i want you all to think about cleaning out your minds. Clean out all the pre-conceived notions you have been packed with since child birth. Clear the slate and look at your fellow human beings, as equals first............... Equals................Greet everyone as an equal.

Practice looking at everyone you encounter through out the day with no added baggage concerning their dress, their manner of speech, their intellectual level, their wealth or lack of wealth, their weight, their skin, their hair, their eyes, their color, their affectations and on and on.

Practice seeing them first as equals, clean out your mind, and relate to them as a human being first.

Thank you ahead of time to all of you that try this.

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