Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Humanity is a broad term that includes every living human being on planet earth.  The word lumps us all into one category without distinction.  Squared is that multiplied by itself and it can never be a negative. 

Other means you need a self to define it, for other is nothing without self. 

When you see yourself as consisting of either self or other you have created a barrier which you continue to patch through out life.  When you see yourself as self and other you break the wall down.

The web of life connects us, we can stretch it, pull it, shape it and mold it but ultimately we all must leave it.

The question is how do we want to leave it?

"The one who gives up cultivating the moral force when no instant effect can be seen is like one who farms but would not tend to the weeds."  Mencius

I'll leave you with those few short sentences for they deserve a lot of thought.
Today is a picture day. 
This past weekend was the Agriculture Fair. 
Can you guess what those 4 items are?

i love the Ag Fair.  It is one of my favorite things to do on St. Croix.  The food, the people,the exhibits, the animals, they bring us together to share what we love about living here.

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