Wednesday, March 17, 2010

love the sin, hate the sinner

Today i had thought i would write about the term “love the sinner, hate the sin.”  i started out by going to numerous web sites collecting information about the various approaches to sin in the worlds religions (some define sin and others don’t believe in sin).  i had been having a back and forth e-mail exchange about what taking away the right to choose to have an abortion meant in broader terms.  The person i was in communication with admitted to being conflicted but was very religious.  One response ended the piece with the above statement which turned our writing away from abortion and towards sin.

i digress a bit here.  i have a friend that married a man who had already given birth to a child that was adversely impacted by the mans genetic makeup.  The birth of this child destroyed his first marriage and the child has spent his whole life in an institution.  The man had a gene that when transmitted to an egg had an end result that left the child a vegetable, needing twenty four hour care.  He had decided he would not father again in order to spare another human the incredible suffering he watched his son endure. 

My friend wanted a child so they consulted with physicians and geneticists to learn more about the chances for a normal child being conceived.  The odds of having a normal child were about 60/40 against.  The man said he would only consider a pregnancy if after the genetic test came back she would abort if the child would be born like the first son.  They agonized over it for years.  She was getting older and wanted to try.  He finally relented, for he loved her and understood her need for a child, but only after she agreed to the abortion should the test come back negative.  She got pregnant waited until she was far enough along to have the amniocentesis and unfortunately the test was bad.

But that wasn’t the worst part of this story.  The worst is yet to come.  She traveled out of town because no one there did abortions.  Her husband went with her to the clinic and as they were approaching it on foot they were bombarded with right to lifers screaming baby killers at them as they walked down the path.  One woman tried to hold her back.  These righteous people had no idea why she was going for an abortion but they knew she was aborting a “living breathing human being” not a horribly defective fetus.  My friend had already made one of the most agonizing decisions any woman could make and those righteous folk just knew better than she that it was a bad one.  They tortured a woman who was already tortured.  She was not a sinner.

i have a mantra i repeat when confronted with that line "love the sinner, hate the sin."  It goes "love the bigot, hate the bigotry" or "love the rapist, hate the rape" or love the "hypocrite, hate the hypocrisy" get what i mean.

Regardless of what the law is affluent women will always find a way to have a safe abortion regardless of whether they have insurance or not, and regardless of what the law says.  They will just fly to wherever they need to go.  This was the case before Roe v Wade and it will be the case if we loose the right to choose.  The ones that will suffer will be the poor while  the molester-enabling, coathanger-selling, health-shattering, woman-hating, forced-pregnancy campaign will be in full force if choice is taken away.

i am in favor of choice.  Its probably pretty obvious if you have read this far.  We have no business second guessing why anyone is having an abortion and our taxes may even be saving a real live “living breathing human being” when the woman’s life is in danger.  It is not our place to decide or to make laws outlawing abortion.  We aren’t God.  The bible has no law outlawing abortion and even states that life doesn’t start until the baby takes its first breath.  You are not a human being until you can breathe on your own according to the bible.

Our job is to make sure abortion happens rarely.  To make sure teenage boys and girls are given enough information to make logical decisions.  Information includes talks about abstinence, condoms, birth control, std’s, AIDS, etc.  If teenagers are informed and can talk openly with their parents about their sexuality, be it homosexuality or heterosexuality the outcomes will benefit society as a whole. 

Telling a teenager to abstain from sex until marriage then throwing them out in the world to battle their natural urges is child abuse in my book.  Give them the tools to make informed decisions and help to reduce the need for abortion but don’t take away a woman’s right to choose.

Remember it is our job to make sure abortion happens rarely, but it is not our job to outlaw it for we are not in a position to know all the details.

On a side note i came across a website that is called “Do something good day”
 The Giving Card is marketed by them and tracked by them.  When given the card you are requested to do something good.  Of course you have to buy the card to pass along then you can write in what your good deed was on the website and pass the card along to someone else, which starts a chain of doing good.  It is a nice idea but we can all “Do something good” without having to pass a card along to motivate us.

So if any of this moves you…go out and do something good today.

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