Wednesday, March 30, 2011

ta daa lists

In my e-mail this morning.

This year we're going to experience four unusual dates. 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that's not all...Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born -now add the age you will be this year, and the result will be 111 for everyone...!! This is the year of Money..!!! This year October will have 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays and 5 Saturdays.

This happens only every 823 years... These particular years are known as 'Moneybags'... The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends, money will appear in the next four days as is explained in Chinese feng shui Those who don't continue the chain won't receive.. Its a mystery, but its worth a try.
Good luck...

Looks like the South West doesn't it, but its Jacks Bay and a beautiful Kestrel
So what do you think, do most people start the day start off with plans for accomplishing various goals on their to do list?  Do you think we all do this or are there some out there who never make a list but function just fine?  i tend to think we all have a to do list, even if its just waking up, turning off the alarm clock and getting ready for work. 

All over the internet you can find ways to organize yourself, 25 to do lists to stay productive, learning how to create a functional to do list, real simple to do lists, and how to follow through on your to do list.

Yum, Yum my favorite fruit
Personally i like the ta daa lists the best. i get a kick out of making a list and seeing how fast i can get to the ta daa part.

Ta daa’s are nothing more than doing what you said you were going to do. If you start off knowing you will never get to the ta daa, don’t put it on the list.  Don’t create failure, its really pretty simple.

Yesterday i was with some really nifty ladies that were talking about tapping. If you haven’t heard of tapping it is a method that is used to reduce stress and free yourself from negative feelings and beliefs. To do lists have the capacity to throw us all into the negative feeling realm, but ta daas can save you. i haven’t ever tried tapping but the two ladies i was with both use it and find it beneficial.

So this morning while opening up e-mail i had a notice from tapping solution. Most times i delete these notices but i decided to open it up and see what was up because i had just been discussing it yesterday.

Full Moon in Frederiksted
Anyway the piece in my inbox had everything to do with what i was going to write about today so i’m copying and pasting it here so you can all enjoy it.

  1. General Overwork and Overstress

    Karate Chop:  Even though I’m totally overworked,
    really stressed out and have WAY too much to
    do.... I deeply and completely accept myself

    (Repeat the above phrase three times while
    Tapping on the karate chop point)***i’m not sure what this means but i think you are supposed to tap on all these spots while thinking about the phrases. The tapping should be rhythmic.

    Eyebrow: Way too much to do...
    Side of the Eye:  My “to-do” list is a mile long...
    Under Eye: When will I ever get it done?
    Under Nose: I’ll never get it done...
    Under Mouth: I’m overworked and stressed out....
    Collarbone: When can I relax?
    Under the Arm: I can’t seem to relax
    Top of the Head: Too much to do...

    (Repeat the above phrases a couple of times,
    you can throw in your own phrases as well, and
    when you feel significant relief, move on to
    the positive phrases)
    Fort in Frederiksted

    Eyebrow: I chose to relax now...
    Side of the Eye: I chose to REALLY relax now...
    Under the Eye: I’ll never get it ALL done...
    Under Nose: And that’s ok...
    Under Mouth: I chose to slow down and take a breath...
    Collarbone: I am not my “to-do” list...
    Under the Arm: I am good enough no matter
    what I get done...
    Top of the Head: I chose to relax and let it go now...

Seems easy, give it a try and maybe you will get to the ta daa today.


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