Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wake Up

I'm not religious but this is beautiful
Meteor Blade writes at the Daily Kos and i picked up this quirky little story he wrote to explain that President Obama has not made the recession worse.

"Okay. Let's say a guy has steered a car off the road and is speeding down a steep embankment at 90 mph, headed for a precipice. Let's say the guy opens the door, leaps out and rolls away from the car toward a memoirs publisher standing nearby. Just as that happens, another guy manages to leap into the driver's seat and immediately starts trying to turn the car away from the precipice. The car begins to slow and its trajectory shifts, but it's still headed downward, and for quite a while it's all the new driver can do to keep it on the ledge below which lies a very big crack-up.
Meanwhile, some radio-amplified bystanders are shouting, "Over the cliff! Over the cliff! Hope he doesn't make it!" because they don't approve of the way the new driver got into the car in the first place or the route they have surmised he plans to take. They call upon other bystanders to do whatever they can to block the new route from being picked. And those bystanders start shouting: "Get your foot off the brake! Let go of the steering wheel. The car will turn by itself!" And they roll rocks in the way of a change in direction.
Despite this, the driver begins to make headway and the car works its way off the ledge and starts back up the hill. At which point Mitt Romney shouts from the rooftop counting room of one of his nearby vacation homes that the new driver has failed to stop the car in its tracks and get it back on the road as quickly as an expert like he would have done. He claims the driver is still not steering the way a real driver would, that, in fact, the car would have not been in danger at all if he himself had leaped into the driver's seat instead of the guy who did."


President Obama has not made the recession worse, if anything he has stopped the freefall and reversed  course. You can believe that or not depending upon your ideology but the facts and Moody's back him up on this: 
“For example, we estimate that, without the government’s response, GDP in 2010 would be about 11.5% lower, payroll employment would be less by some 8½ million jobs, and the nation would now be experiencing deflation”
Here's another one for you...human induced climate change. There are loads of people out there that have been mislead by think tanks and so called scientists that have been bought and paid for by energy companies to create doubt
Why is it that 98% of the climate scientists that actually do the research world wide are in agreement with anthropogenic global warming? They speak with one voice which is highly unusual in the scientific community. There is no controversy, I'll repeat that, there is no controversy the data from all over the world indicates human induced climate change is a reality.
“Oreskes and Conway revealed from memos leaked to the press that in April 1998 the right-wing Marshall Institute, SEPP (Fred Seitz’s lobby that aids tobacco companies and polluters), and ExxonMobil, met in secret at the American Petroleum Institute’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. There they planned a $20 million campaign to get “respected scientists” to cast doubt on climate change, get major PR efforts going, and lobby Congress that global warming isn’t real and is not a threat. “
Why do you suppose they did that....MONEY...LOTS AND LOTS OF IT. They could care less what happens to the world for they will have enough money to survive any calamity.
Last week i talked about demonizing. This week i want to ask all of you to stop accepting what you are being fed without being skeptical about the motives of those trying to convince you to believe things that really go against your best interests. Think about the tobacco industry when they said smoking didn't cause cancer...well now you know it does. Those that spread doubt do it because it is about the MONEY.
Human induced climate change is real. It will affect your family in ways not yet imagined. If you want the same world you grew up in for your kids and grandkids...WAKE UP. Go to and learn what real climate scientists think.
See you next week.

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