Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Music Day

After the rain stopped it was gorgeous!
Today is one of those medley days when I'm tired of trying to save the world and just want to have fun and let someone else do it.
So to perk you up and make you think a little listen to Eddy Grant and his Electric Avenue clip on You Tube.

Now you have the rhythm and hopefully have noticed the political commentary flowing through a song that so many love to dance to.

The Neville Brothers out of New Orleans used to be one of my favorite bands to listen to and see. Their song Brother John is a great ode to a fallen warrior.

You probably didn't listen to either one of the above because so many of us are always in a hurry and don't have time to slow down and take a small break. Scroll back up...pick one out...turn up the volume and walk around until its done. You need a break from sitting at the computer anyway so here is your chance.

If you didn't like either of those two above and don't want to get up yet, here are some photos you can look at.
After you finish looking at the photos scroll back up and at least listen to Electric Avenue and get out of your chair. These were taken at Jump Up and around the island. Get out of your chair and listen to the music!!!!
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This lady was selling hats and that's the moon behind her, isn't she beautiful?

Two white dinghy's looking so peaceful at the dock

Yep that's Lance coming up the Beast!

Shot during a sunset walk on the beach

Scaly-napped Pigeon blurred through binoculars

See ya next week!

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