Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013

So we didn't go over the Fiscal Cliff(curb) and neither the left nor the right are happy with the outcome. Everyone is screaming and wringing their hankies because a deal was made. On the right over at Red State some are saying they can no longer call themselves Republicans and that the “McConnell Tax Hike” will become the law of the land. Erickson said the Republican establishment should be burned to the ground...i guess you can say they are pissed.

On the left they are complaining about corporate subsidies that were included in the bill. Screaming thats a lot of corporate welfare when the rest of the nation isn't doing so well. Goldman Sachs got 1.6 billion in tax subsidies for their headquarters. A 9 billion tax loophole for offshore banks. Depreciation incentives for corporations amounting to over 110 billion and more details that can be found at Naked Capitalism.

Bob Swern says “I don’t know about you, but a 2% payroll tax increase for Main Street versus a $205 billion sweetheart deal for Wall Street and corporate America sure as hell doesn’t look like “shared sacrifice” to me! Frankly, it looks more like bipartisan business as usual.” 
Last 2012 Sunset from the aerie

And the beat goes on.

Isn't that what compromise is all one gets what they want?

i'm always amazed when ever a bill passes because both sides go bat shit crazy. How in the world we even function with our crazy system astounds me?

Welcome to 2013 and the continuing dysfunction of our government. In two months we get to watch the clowns at it again. Someone said to me last night i wonder what the next faux crisis will be called, just think in one year we had the the debt ceiling and the end of America, the end of the world and the fiscal cliff. Whatever the next one is it has to be good.
First 2013 sunrise from the aerie

Have you ever noticed how both sides use the same arguments? In the coming months you will see each side attack the other sides credibility when they don't have a legitimate argument as far as the facts are concerned. One side lays out their facts...shows links to “prove” its authenticity. The other side can't refute the facts so they attack the messenger instead. The messenger made some mistake in the past that is now the primary reason for not believing what they say today even though they are factually correct. This is done all the time so it behooves you the reader to check for yourself.

i've been saying for years question Mom drilled it into us...don't believe what you are thrown by those that want to manipulate you for their own reasons. Read the other side, consider both arguments then decide for yourself but don't be a patsy for either side.

Happy New Year
See ya next week.

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