Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Are you free?

View from the new by-pass
Not many of us think about what real freedom means. We believe we are free because we live in the “land of the free” but are we really? FDR said onetime that real freedom should consist of four things, freedom of speech, freedom to worship whatever, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. If you don't have all four of these then you aren't free according to FDR.
Coral Vine ex Navy Seal named Chris Kyle was shot and killed recently at a shooting range by a vet he was trying to help. Everyone was armed and the most adept Navy Seal around was annihilated. This guy was a trained sniper, better trained than anyone you will ever know, he killed over 150 people while on duty in Iraq, he even wrote a book about his exploits and he got slaughtered along with his friend.
A street on St. Croix
Being armed is not necessarily going to save you if the perpetrator is primed. There is a great piece that 60 minutes did a few years ago using civilians they had trained and armed so they could protect themselves in the event they were attacked. None of them could function in a simulated event, all of them got shot. When you are under stress your reaction time slows. Go watch is one of the most enlightening pieces on gun use you will ever view.
The cemetery from the new by-pass
Owning a gun means constant month without it and you have regressed to a less than basic level. You are deluded if you think you are going to protect yourself with one because the odds are against you, even your body is against you in a stressful situation. If a professional Navy Seal snipper couldn't save himself at a gun range what makes anyone think that with a little practice they will function appropriately. No one can be on guard 24/7. i'll say that again...No one can be on guard 24/7.
Dry Mt. Fancy
Living in fear of house invaders, a tyrannical government and all the other fears that may inflict you is a complete waste of time. The United States has more guns in private possession than any other country in the world and yet instead of being the safest country we have the most gun related deaths. Only a fool would believe that more guns would make us safer.
Cane Bay 7:00am Feb. 5th, 2013
Guns are made to kill, their sole purpose is to inflict death. The other side constantly harps on deaths from abortions, car wrecks, tobacco and alcohol as some kind of save me from the anti gun folks. Having an abortion is a choice, autos are made for transport and you choose to avail yourselves of them, alcohol and tobacco are made for pleasure, none of these compare to being murdered with a gun.

If you die because you got drunk or smoked or drove or had an abortion those are your own damn fault...getting shot is not...those 6 and 7 year olds and all the other people that have been massacred lately did not choose to get shot.

The more guns that are available the more gun related deaths increase.

i don't own a gun and i'm not going to spend my life being fearful that someone might shoot me with one. i would own one if i wanted to hunt so i'm not against gun ownership. But if you own a gun for protection then you are not free from fear which is one of the four criteria for freedom.
Chew that one.
See ya next week.
This morning! Ahhhhhhhhh so lovely!

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