Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tidbit day

Today is a tidbit day...mostly my takes on things happening around the world and photos of course!

St.'s raining cats and dogs here. This morning after the swim a friend said it felt like a soup day but another friend said eat oatmeal for breakfast because it will be 85 degrees by the time the soup is done. we really want the US to arm more terrorists? There are elements in Syria that could turn out worse than Assad.

Guantanamo...44 of the prisoners are being force fed...104 out of 166 have stopped eating. Wouldn't you want to kill yourself if there was no hope of a fair trial combined with a future of indefinite detentions? 86 of the prisoners have been cleared of the charges brought against them but are still incarcerated. It's way past time to close it down.

Brazil...middle class protesting a 10 cent increase in transit fares while blaming the billions in public funds spent on hosting the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 for the rise. Over 200,000 people have taken to the streets. It's not really about the 10 cents, its more about corruption, lies, and financial raping of the population.

Turkey...people are on the streets to make the judicial system work. The silent man started a protest using peace instead of the violent opposition that had kicked in after frustration over the failure of government to hear the pleas of the protestors. The passive protest he inspired has been called “pleasing to the eye” by the Deputy Prime Minister today.

Nuclear arsenal...President Obama in Berlin renewed his call to the US and Russia to reduce our stockpiles by 1/3. Putin asked that other nations also reduce their arsenals. Sounds like a great idea.

Climate change...The President also acknowledged the need for the US to step up and act more upon the issues of climate change. He stated that Germany and the EU were leading the way but we needed to do more. Darn right says i...we should be leading not following.

The leader of the World Bank today also said that its time to stop arguing about whether climate change is real or not, its real he said. So the money men are agreeing do you think we will see some action now?

St. is raining so hard here i've got all the windows closed up tight as a drum and i still feel minute speckles of water getting through the jalousie windows. Its a white out and the thunder is very loud!
PS...the Yellow-crowned Night Heron looks to be eating real food today.
See ya next week

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