Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Did you know

Working together on the Roseway
That there is a company called Opower that has developed a way of communicating with utility customers to help them lower their energy bills and consumption.

China invested more in renewables in 2013 than Europe did.

Japan increased their renewable investments in 2013 by 80%.

The Union of Concerned Scientists analysis of CNN, FOX news, and MSNBC found that FOX news had the most misleading statements concerning climate change.

Bananas might be getting more expensive because of a disease strain ruining crops in Asia.

Red states(Republican) have a higher number of uninsured and lower minimum wages than blue states.

The US places first in number of people believing in angels.

In the top ten most livable cities not one US city is included.

Countries ranked highest on the Social Progress Index invest in schools, collective bargaining and universal health care.

There has never been a time since the Civil War when states weren't involved in providing social services.

It is a myth that charities have enough resources to replace state and national social services.

During acute need charities quickly become overwhelmed and can only serve a small portion of the population.

i've never heard any one claim that if Medicare was abolished elder care charities could fill the gap.

“There is more money to be made from the ignorant than the enlightened, and deceiving Americans is one of the few growing home industries we still have in this country. A truly educated populace would be bad, both for politicians and for business.” Charles Simic

Only one in six Americans can find Ukraine on a map.

According to Neil DeGrasse Tyson if creationists were right we wouldn't be able to see most of the stars in the sky.

“If medium household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000 instead of $50,000.” Mother Jones

The cost of living has increased 67% since 1990. Mother Jones.

Poverty Myth busted:
Black dads are the problem...wrong. Among men who don't live with their children, black fathers are more likely than White or Hispanic dads to have a daily presence in their kids' lives according to a study detailed this month in Mother Jones

See ya next week

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although i do not always comment, i really enjoy your blog, and come by whenever i need a pick me up.

Love the pot bird feeder, is it sugar they are enjoying?

Thanks again for blogging.