Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Those darn questions

If you are embarking upon a Paleo diet or are already eating a Paleo diet do you include insects?

If you do cleanses to get rid of toxins in your body what do you think the liver and kidneys are doing every day 24/7?

The upcoming midterms means everyone with a TV or radio gets to listen to attack ads, why has running for office gotten so nasty and negative?

Why is it that what people are paid has little or no relationship to the value of their work for society?

Do you think you are easier for the government to control if you are being watched?

Why is the worlds biggest investment fund moving their money into renewables?

Should shareholder returns take precedence over worker benefits?

Why are personal attacks common amongst climate deniers. Is it because their “beliefs” are constantly debunked?

Standard and Poors thinks inequality is hurting the economy do you?

Do the affluent save more of what they earn…could it be called hoarding?

If the US invested in education the way Finland does do you think it would make a difference?

Some people hate regulations…do you think we would have no crime if we had no laws?

Do you think moats filled with alligators would work at the borders?

Did you know there were only 31 voter fraud incidents since 2000?

Do you think the melting of the Siberian permafrost is a climate time bomb waiting to explode?

What are you reading these days?
See ya next week.

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