Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Amendment 2 didn't pass in Florida

For me the saddest part of this election was that Amendment 2 didn't get 60% of the votes it needed to pass in Florida. Big money, dark money and corporate money slammed the airwaves there and ruined any hopes for medical marijuana getting a positive nod. Close personal friends that had been lobbying hard so their epileptic daughter could have a chance at a better life will have to continue this ridiculous fight for another day. i'm so sad this amendment didn't pass.
i’d like to congratulate the conservative Supreme Court and Republican strategy which focused on taking over state houses so they could gerrymander districts. i’d like to congratulate conservatives for obstruction in the House and Senate, propaganda and all that dark money that flowed at historical amounts all over the country. i guess we will all learn soon enough how “free” this country really is.
“War is Good,” will be the new motto with a Republican House and Senate.  Any hope for breakthrough negotiations with Iran, exit from Afghanistan and a winding down of the drone attacks will be put on the back burner. The arms industry must be salivating.
The uninformed electorate will just roll over and hide their heads while the rich and powerful take it all away. When the conservatives say the Dems had their chance and didn’t change anything…my response is how can you change things when your political enemy owns 100% of the media? As Jim Sleeper says at Salon “Your speech isn’t free in any republican sense if a few donors and corporate managers have megaphones while you have laryngitis from straining to be heard.”
Gary Younge said in the Guardian this morning “In the end there was no Republican wave it was barely a ripple. Democrat losses in Southern states was no great surprise and the other states that had been historically conservative were just returning to the status quo. Watching how dysfunctional Republicans have been in the House should be fun when that transfers over to the Senate as well. In some ways being the minority might be good for Democrats.
This blog post isn’t about the outcome of the election. This blog is meant to put everyone reading this on notice that for the next two years FEAR will dominate the media. FEAR of terrorists, FEAR of immigrants, FEAR of Ebola, FEAR of taxes, FEAR of government, FEAR of the Economy, FEAR of ISIS, FEAR of ????? etc. Get ready for a very FEARFUL time to come because those corporate boys want to make more money. 

See ya next week

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