Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Understanding Syria

Whats the choice in Syria…"being governed by a dictator or assailed by terrorists" as Kerry has so astutely observed? 

Putin on the other hand claims the Syrians should determine their own future. 

The US thinks Assad has to go, Putin thinks he should stay put.

If the two powers(Russia and the US) pull off a peace process maybe the Syrian civilians will have a voice in this war they didn’t ask for.

Another take on this by Mike Whitney summarizes Putins aims as opposed to our aims.

Republicans last night were on the war path…bomb the s**t out of them, carpet bomb them, kill the families of terrorists. But who is them, where are they exactly, and why won’t our bombing create more of them? Don’t the Republicans see that they are doing exactly what ISIS wants?

My take on all of this…get the hell out of the Middle East and let them solve their own battles.  i know it sounds harsh and 

isolationist but you know it might work.

If you read all sides the Russians, ours, China’s, the Saudi’s, Israel’s and everyone else…there is no solution but endless war. So what would happen if we just up and left? Why don't we leave? Why don't we say screw this, let them fight amongst themselves because we can't solve their problems. If we stop bombing them they might stop hating us...WOW what a concept. But you all know we won't stop the bombing because we aren't asking the right questions.

The real question to ask is who is making money off all this strife?

Don’t they always say follow the money?

Aren't all of you fed up with the American populace falling for all the propaganda. Spending all our hard earned taxes on a war that will never end. Doesn't it just make your head hurt.

Why are Americans cowering in fear? Are they really and truly worried that the terrorists are going to get them. Are they that manipulated? Why can't they say screw this we are outta here? We look like a bunch of ninnies. Politicians on the right continue to get ordinary people to hate and fear something they really don’t understand?

Why do Americans get so scared? They act like some of the worst cowards i have ever encountered. Get your guns baby because that will solve the problem…NOT. Not unless you want war until your great great grand children are born.

i just don’t get it. The American population is being manipulated and they think more bombing will solve an unsolvable problem. We can't fix the Middle East but we can create more BLOWBACK if we keep bombing.

As the blogger Booman claimed yesterday “I pretty much pity anyone who seriously tries to understand Syria, including myself.” 

See ya next week.

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