Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Let it shine on hypocrisy

Mitch McConnell has already targeted Merrick Garland's nomination by President Obama for the Supreme Court by unilaterally deciding that he is a preposterous choice just because President Obama made it in his last year in office.

Nowhere in the constitution does it say that the people of the United States should choose Supreme Court justices. What it does say is that the President will nominate justices for the Supreme court with the advice and consent of the Senate.
i've always maintained that a political party that doesn't believe in government can not do a good job managing the government. Today is a prime example of the Republican parties bumbling job performance. They are an embarrassment to the nation and the world.

Mitch McConnell and all the other Republicans who conspired not to consider President Obama's nomination should be fired for failing to perform those duties they were elected for.

McConnell had maybe 1.5 million people maximum vote for him as Senator.

Sixty-one Million voters came out in 2012 and cast their ballots for President Obama. If that is not the "people" endorsing President Obama to do his job then i don't know what is.

So who, i ask, is representing the "people?" It is definitely not Senate Republicans.

When McConnell says he wants to wait until a new President is elected he is effectively saying I'm not going to do my job and you can't make me.

No business owner in his right mind would ever hire an employee who didn't believe the company should perform in the manner it was designed too. Not only that...they would have already fired McConnell and all the rest of the do nothing Republican Senators that are suppressing consideration of Merrick Garland.

See ya next week

1 comment:

Tom Strother said...

One of my favorite Gary Larson cartoons showed a gas station/garage with a sign outside that read "Help wanted, no experience preferred, must hate cars."