Wednesday, July 24, 2013


i read both sides of the political spectrum and it is interesting to look at the opinion pieces that grace web sites dedicated to one ideology or the other.

You really don't even need to read the contents of the pieces as the text grabbing head lines are so similar on both sides. Some of them are the same but many take opposite poles. On the liberal side workers rights and how they don't have them, climate change and the end of the world, surveillance(both sides are amazingly together on this) and womens rights and the lack thereof predominate, while on the conservative side a large number of the articles every day just focus on Obamacare hammering away at how awful it is, gun rights and how you need them, abortion and the killing fields, and big government. Its hammered in day after fracking day... no wonder conservatives hate liberals and visa versa. Both sides totally demonize the other and it is sickening and really boring.

i think the worst part is how ingrained the propaganda is on both sides. 

i'll use Alternet(Liberal) and Town Hall(Conservative) as an example of what i mean and label them with capital A's and T's to represent the different sides. i'm sure which ever side you are on you will agree with the headline.

A(L)...The United States is Awash in Public Stupidity, and Critical Thought is under Assault
T(C)....Too many Opinions not enough Knowledge

A(L)...Recession forever...10 reasons American workers are screwed.
T(C)...The pension you never owned.

A(L)...America is on a Path to turn America into Detroit and Republicans are Cool with that
T(C)...Conservatives should point and laugh as Detroit Dies

A(L)...When was the last time someone made a case of justifiable homicide for a white kid smoking pot
T(C)...Fire created and stoked by the Left

A(L)...Blacks who stand their ground are often imprisoned.
T(C)...Stand your ground critics personify European pacifism, not American Values

A(L)...Republicans are sabotaging Obamacare by keeping the public in the dark about Benefits
T(C)...Don't fall for Healthcare Hard Sell

A(L)...CEO pay went up 15% last year to $15 million, how much did yours go up?
T(C)...Wall Strreet Journal condemns OECD proposal for global tax.

A(L)...Shocking things Wall Street Financiers say off the record about their bloated, corrupt industry
T(C)...Revolting Bankers of Obama

A(L)...How the temp workers who keep huge corporations running are getting crushed
T(C)...What's the bigger threat to workers, Unscrupulous Employers or Greedy Politicians

A(L)...A Presidential speech Won't solve Climate Change...It's going to take Activism by the public.
T(C)...Why is Obama lying on climate change

A(L)...Obama uses major climate speech to cheer lead for Natural Gas Industry.
T(C)...Obama's climate action plan...emphasize what won't work, penalize what works.

A(L)...I was supposed to end up alone according to the peddlers of the dangers of hook up culture...they were wrong.
T(C)...The new brainwashing...women like hookups

All these articles can be found at the sites i mentioned...i'm not putting in links because it is bad enough just to read the crappy headlines and you can find them if you really want to. 

My question is when are we as a nation going to sit down and just talk about reality instead of alarmist crap? Are you sick of being manipulated?

See ya next week.

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