Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Things you might not know

There are more wind and solar workers in the US than coal miners.
Air pollution killed 7 million last year.
The rate at which CEO to worker pay has increased since 1950 is 1000%
Norway has hosted a bike lift for over twenty years which is 130m long and carries cyclists up one of their nasty steep hills.
Eating bananas has been associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer, breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma...they are also an excellent source of the B6 vitamin.
The Obama administration has cut the deficit from 1.4 trillion in 2009 to a projected $514 billion by the end of 2014.
Turtle remains at Sandy Point
NASA states that 97% of scientists around the world that study climate believe that man made climate change is not a hoax. Average temperatures on a global level, year over year are getting higher.
Cars are regulated; you need a drivers license, you must wear a seat belt, exhaust is regulated, you can't drink and drive, and they are not built specifically to kill. We should regulate guns and their owners the same way we do cars and their owners.
David Frum(R) says an American is 50% more likely to be shot dead by his or her own hand than to be shot dead by an assailant.
You don't have Freedom if you don't have free time.
US citizens work longer than their fellow humans in any other industrialized nation except South Korea.
The Protestant work ethic was so you could spend more time on spiritual and cultural endevors not on more possessions. Free time was supposed to make us better citizens not better consumers.
Study after study shows that over work hurts productivity.
So far in 2014 the Koch's through American's for Prosperity have aired 17,000 TV commercials while Republican mainline groups have only aired 2,100. Vast wealth is changing our democracy. It behoves all of us to think about who really represents our interests.
According to the American Journal of Medicine 62% of bankruptcies are caused by medical illness even though most had medical insurance.

Corporate Welfare
Boeing...13.2 BILLION
Intel...3.9 BILLION
Ford...2.5 BILLION
Dow Chemical...1.4 BILLION
Berkshire Hathaway...1.1 BILLION
and that is only a handful...stop blaming poor people and look where the real money is going.
America has the largest prison population in the world.
Why is the richest country on earth so poor?

See ya next week.

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