Tuesday, September 30, 2008

market meltdown

Janet said the other day that she can speak to animals.
"So can I," said William, "anyone can speak to animals."

"Not just speak to them," said Janet, "I mean really speak to them, like have a real conversation with them."

"Yeah! I can do that too," said William.

"No, you can't," said Janet,
"You can't speak to animals."

"I can too,"

"You don't understand," said Janet, "they really do speak."
"Yeah! Sure!" "I hear um too," said William, "especially when they wag their tails."

"William, they speak to me".
"They speak to me too...like I said...I really know what they are saying when they wag their tails."

"William, I'm not joking, I hear them speak back."

"Yeah me too," said William, "Strunk over there just said pet me....did ja hear him?"

"No, he didn't."

"Yes, he did."


"No, he said, I'm thirsty where is my water?"

"Opps! I was supposed to fill his bowl with water," said William.

"Well fill it," said Janet.

"You already knew I was supposed to fill his bowl."
"No, I didn't."


"Did not."


"Did not."
"You did, Janet."

"Look William, Strunk said he has been waiting for over an hour for you to fill his bowl. Is that true or false?"

"Well, Lets see. Mom left at 9:30 and it is now 10:30.....jeeze Janet...did he really say he has been waiting an hour or you just made that up?"
"I didn't make it up".

"You did."


"Look," said William, "tell me something else he said so I will believe you."

"He said that last night you kicked him off your bed...true or false?"

"True...but I do that every night."

"Well he wants to stay on the bed, its softer than the floor."

"Tell me something else I don't know...I think you already knew that," said William.

"He said, not only did you kick him off the bed but after you kicked him off he went and spread out all over a red bathroom towel you had dropped on the floor."
"He said a red towel?"

"Janet, he didn't really say a red towel?"

"He did, why are you so surprised?" said Janet.

"Because, I know you are making this up." said William,
"Did you look in my room and see the red towel on the floor?"
"Yes, you did."

"No, I didn't."


"Look Janet, don't lie to me."

"William, I am not lying, why don't you believe me?"
"Because if I believe you, then it means my dog can talk and I don't believe dogs can talk."
"William, they don't talk like you and I talk."

"Well how do they talk," said William.

"They send thoughts that I catch in my brain."

"How come I don't catch any thoughts in my brain?"

"I don't know."

"Yeah, you don't know because no one can catch dog thoughts in their brain." said William,
"You are making it up."
"I'm not making anything up William."

"Well, I don't believe you."

"Fine William, don't believe me, just give your dog some water he is thirsty."

"I'll do that," said William, as he moved off to pick up the dogs bowl from the floor.
Janet watched him walk over to the kitchen sink and fill up the bowl with water. William's dog, Strunk, said
"Thanks Janet"
and watched William as well.
When William put the bowl back on the floor, Strunk rushed over and started lapping up the water.
"He said Thanks," said Janet.

"Yeah I heard him," said William, "heh!"

"He didn't say Thanks William" he said, "Thanks Janet."

"Why would he say thanks Janet, I gave him the water."
Yeah, but I made you do it and so he thanked me for getting you to fill up his bowl.

The little discourse above is the beginning of a children's story i was going to write but never got back to. Today, for some reason, it was first in my list of things i had looked at or worked upon recently, although i couldn't remember even looking at it. Once i started reading through it i realized how pertinent it is today.

It stands alone as a fable for how and why things aren't always as they seem.

The meltdown isn't as it seems and rushing through it is not prudent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems this little girl has a penchant for recrimination and a strong drive to usurp appreciation for the results of the efforts of her cohorts. Confrontational, manipulative, self-aggrandizing; Exploitation and mass delusional; so 20th century. What should the parents be doing about this? Send her to her room and arrange therapy for William? Spank her and tell him she is full of it and not to believe a word she says? Let nature take its course and force the state to deal with results? Just love her and hope she finds an appropriate significant other(s) and uses her characteristics in a manner suited to her environs. or just LOVE her.
Of course, she may have just been exerting her authoritarianist's propensity for having her mother's instructions followed.