Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Aeolian Tones....the sound made when wind strikes a wire

i read an article recently about a man engaged in learning to heal through reading a persons luminosity. He had been told that you could understand what illness would afflict a person just by learning to read the auras coming off their bodies. He had studied in Peru with many shamans and had recounted an experience concerning his interaction with a rain forest.

While studying with a local shaman who after instructing him in aspects of nature told the student to enter the rain forest. Prior to entering the forest the shaman cautioned the man to stop and listen. The shaman made him focus on the cacophony coming out of the forest and had the man tune into it for a good long while.

You would think upon entering that the man would be bombarded with the noise he had been instructed to focus on. Instead all the man noticed upon entering was the silence. The rain forest went silent as soon as he stepped into it. The rain forest had gone so quiet he could hear nothing.

The shaman told him the forest knew he had left the Garden of Eden and that when he found it he would be able to hear. It took the man ten years to finally enter the rain forest without it going quiet.

If you spend a lot of time interacting with nature you might understand immediately what the man had to let go of to finally enter that rain forest and hear.

Upon learning of this story i was struck by the use of the term "Garden of Eden".

Could it be the same "Garden of Eden" that Adam and Eve were thrown out of?

i was going to say more about this tale but i think each of us can meditate on something in it without further elucidation.

A New Font

There is a new font that was developed by a young Dutch man wanting to reduce the amount of ink on paper. He decided that there must be a way to create a font that used less ink when printed out but was still readable and pleasant to the eye. He managed to succeed and has called it Ecofont which can be downloaded here.

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