Thursday, April 9, 2009

the book shop

There is a great used book shop, close to my moms apartment. Jam packed with books from all categories, dark with little nooks set aside for intimate browsing. The crotchety owner sits deep within the surrounding books. He is not old although probing has revealed that he has lived within blocks of the book store his entire life and knows all the goings on in the neighborhood.

A computer is in front of him, readily available to find anything your heart desires, but his nature lies in wait willing to snap at you at a moments notice. He is ever vigilant, making sure no one absconds with one of his precious books.

At first, his demeanor is off putting but once you have gained his respect his smile is deep with feeling. He opens up and then the fun begins. He is filled with interesting topics for conversation, recommendations for books and the latest treatise on politics. i've bought books there and will leave most of them behind, gobbled up, but ready for others to read. His bookshop is a great place just to hang and for someone like me a refuge even when he didn't have the book i was looking for.

In the past i wrote about the Peace Pilgrim, the woman who started walking across the United States after deciding she would be a wanderer until mankind learned the ways of peace. i found her book, not in my favorite bookstore but a few doors down in the thrift shop. i was reading it last night and have decided to post a few of her insights.

So many of us punish ourselves by making wrong choices. According to the Peace Pilgrim enlightenment is constantly being offered but many refuse to accept it. Therefore those that don't accept it are being taught by the problems that are set before them, since they refuse to make the right choices on their own. Problems arrive to push us towards harmony.

i know i irritate people at times with a directness that some find offensive. Those who are irritated don't want to be reminded of the darker sides of our natures. Believing in justice means i have an extremely difficult time letting the actions of the unjust go unnoticed.

Rousing people from their apathy and making them think may sometimes seem to come into conflict with a loving attitude towards others. Problems have a purpose, hiding from them does not make them go away. Preventing one person from hurting another is a loving thing to do no matter what the circumstance. No problem that is set before you can be solved by denying it exists. That just sets up a life filled with failure.

You can solve it and learn and grow in the process by confronting all problems head on.

So like the Peace Pilgrim says, think positive thoughts about everyone don't let anger rule.


There is no Plan B said...

re: peace pilgrim, Grace is stalking you, you need only to acknowledge the presence of it.

Mayte Picco-Kline said...

A weekend celebration of “Peace through Art and Music”, in honor of what would have been Peace Pilgrim's 101st. Birthday will be held in her home town of Egg Harbor, New Jersey on July 17-19, 2009. The events will include, within others, a concert with folksinger Jody Kessler, a two-mile inter-generational Walk for Peace and historical tour to Peace Pilgrim's childhood home, hosted by Peace Pilgrim's sister Helene Young, and an old-fashioned pot-luck community picnic. We invite you to be with us as we celebrate Peace Pilgrim and how the pilgrimage continues.

More information at:

Mayte Picco-Kline
Friends of Peace Pilgrim Board Member
Author of Wholeness in Living