Wednesday, April 22, 2009

fear and earth day

i've been conflicted concerning Earth Day and the fact that Wednesday is when i publish here. Must i write a piece concerning the environment because it is Earth Day or could i get away with writing about another issue?

Doing a little bit of both won out.

Earth Day is celebrated around the world and is one of the few events that people of all faiths, backgrounds and nationalities participate in. Everyone recognizes that human beings have to share the earth and make an effort not to despoil her. Unfortunately we have major trouble with both the sharing and the trashing. Of all the living creatures that inhabit this orbiting world we humans are the most destructive.

We dirty everything while continuing to believe that the natural cycles of our environment will clean up our mess.

Somewhere i read that you can manipulate a population to do your biding if you start your appeal by using something to fear first. In order to do this you must create scenarios to be feared then tell your audience what to do to combat that fear. We can all list issues that have been used in the past to create fear in the population.

Terrorists should probably top the list.
Fear of taxes(Democrats)
Communists are right up there(take everything you have)
Right wingers(war mongers)
Socialists(want you to give them your money)
Universal Health care advocates(want to stop good health care)
Anti-gun people(take your guns)
Pro-choice(give you too much choice)
Anti-abortion(take away your choice)
Global warming and cooling advocates
Religious extremists of any ilk

The list could go on and on but all of these groups illicit unreasonable fear in certain segments of the population.


Because you are being manipulated to fear them. You are being manipulated to fear first, i'll say that again, you are being manipulated to FEAR FIRST so you don't hear the whole message.

Today when you hear about global warmers and global deniers look first to what they want you to fear. Fear will be the over riding manipulator to grab your attention. One group tells you we are reaching the tipping point and the other group tells you fixing it will be too costly and they are both crying chicken little.

Who is right?

Which fear have you bought into?

Ask yourself this whenever you become fearful about something affecting your life. What fear is controlling your thinking? Eliminate it first then review the issues without fear.

If we remove the fear from both sides i'll bet there is someplace in the middle where we can all meet and agree.

Do we dirty our planet and our air?

Can you answer that question without fear?

Are there solutions we can come up with without using fear to stop us from thinking about the issues?

i hope so.

Happy Earth Day!

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