Wednesday, July 15, 2009

swimming the currents of the intertubes

Has anyone noticed while swimming along the currents of the intertubes a trend with numbers?
Daily on Yahoo, AOL, Digg, MSNBC, and all the other similar story aggregations the one getting the most hits has a number in it.

Top 10 ways to please your lover.
Top 5 things that happened at the hearings
7 Key Genes predict brain cancer survival
14 Regrettable professional sports promotions
8 things your contractor won't tell you
6 ways to swear effectively
10 surprising sex statistics
9 Inspirational Presidential speeches
15 Rites of Passage
4 reasons why something sucks
10 things you might not know about socialized medicine

i'll bet you want to read one of those don't you?
i only put one link in...the one to socialized medicine the rest you can google and find on your own.

Here is another frequent set of articles. They start with a question.

Do you drink too much?
Can you keep a secret?
Do you really want to live forever?
What does she/he really want you to do in the bedroom?
Do you have a white roof, learn how to fight global warming?
Did you know scientist's found the worlds oldest wily?
Why did squid wash up on a California beach?
Bush's CIA: Who deserves the assassin's bullet?
Which Bruno outfits are your favorites?

i thought about putting the links in for all of these in case you wanted to follow up but it is just as easy to Google them. Are you a statistic......... do these types of stories sucker you in? Writers understand how to grab your attention and by the looks of things on line numbers and questions get the most hits.

Moving on i have also been thinking about idioms. Idioms are phrases that have meanings different than the actual words. i wanted to play with them to see what kind of a piece i could put together. Unfortunately i'm not a comedian, if only i knew how to do humor i'll bet this could be really funny and fun. But in researching idioms i've learned that they tend to be pretty serious. Teaching us lessons and all that.

i put this little piece together....tried to keep it light.......see how many idioms you can find....the answer will be at the end.

The calm before the storm, as luck would have that period of serenity before it all hits the fan...usually happens when two people or the circumstances are at an impasse. One person hangs the other out to dry but maybe the shoe is on the other foot and these circumstances have gone from positive to negative. It may be the person who has turned off the spigot was making other people experience their ill will and now they are experiencing it also. The bad karma they left behind came back to bite them.

Too many try to reinvent the wheel when they are arguing. Things are easier said than done and remember when you are in the midst of a battle if you are given lemons make lemonade. You can make something great out of something that could have gone sour cause all's well that ends well and really.......... its better to try and understand the devil you know rather than the devil you don't.

Why do some people turn on those that have supported them? Why do they repay kindness with a wrong? They get a chip on their shoulder and they can't get it off. They can't understand if you give them a taste of their own medicine because that only works one way and they don't see the bad karma biting them back. Sometimes the easiest way to resolve it is to cut to the chase. Don't waste time beating around the bush because drastic times call for drastic measures.

The saying "don't bite the hand that feeds you because you may need it someday" is one to keep close to your heart. You don't want to bite off more than you can chew when repaying those who supported you when you needed them. But remember that old adage...casting pearls before swine is all about wasting good deeds on someone who does not appreciate them. Don't put something in front of those that don't value them. We all have axe's to grind but it is better to let the water flow under the bridge.

If you are crying over spilt milk you have already lost something, you can't move on, and you can't remain upset over it. Stop going up a blind alley, set the wheels in motion and get started. Sometimes you have to go back to square one because you are stuck between a rock an a hard place.
We can all get stuck in some frame of mind that does nothing for our future. Putting your tail between your legs is unnecessary.
We all know that every cloud has a silver lining, so drop the cock and bull story, and stop being so fixed in your ways.

You know how it is....when it rains it pours because a lot of things can go wrong...i can
foam at the mouth all i want.....but you should just wake up and smell the coffee. Go out on a limb, go the extra mile, stop with the knee jerk reactions and let bygones be bygones. The ball is in your court, pick it up because then you will have the best of both worlds and its better late than never.

Remember, no matter the consequences those who are honest with themselves get farther in life.


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