Friday, May 7, 2010

National Security Strategy

Presidents in office tend to get blamed for all the ills of the nation.  They are expected to solve all of its problems and make the world a better place.

Bush experienced this during his eight years in office.  He was blamed for the biggest terrorist attack(911) on the nation for failing to heed untold warnings that planes would be used.  He was blamed for starting a war with a country that was not a threat to our national security(Iraq).  He was blamed for failing to mobilize rescue and security apparatus prior to Hurricane Katrina making landfall.  He was blamed for running up the deficit by keeping two wars off the books and he was blamed for the financial meltdown by continuing to believe that "free markets" would self regulate and greed wouldn't dominate.

He was blamed for a lot and the above is just a short list.

We all believe things happen for a reason and usually that reason is because someone screwed up.  If we are bombarded relentlessly with a litany of constant refrains;  Obama is a "Socialist," Obama is responsible for the financial meltdown, Obama is soft on terrorism, Obama is a Muslim, Obama is not born here, Obama will create death panels, Obama is not responding to the floods, Obama is not protecting us or Obama is responsible for the oil spill and on and on, some tend to believe that Obama screwed up.  Did he personally screw up?

Fear of something(be fearful of Obama he is all those things above) is a great anger inducing method to get the masses to toe the party line.  Hearing short bullet points over and over, regardless of their truth, gives those less informed some one to blame.   Everyone loves to blame someone else for the problems of the nation.

Every morning i get Red State along with other conservative e-mails in my in box, i also get progressive and liberal ones too. i like to stay informed and reading both sides tends to give one a better idea of where the truth is.  If you only read one side it is your fault for buying into a lot of the garbage that passes as truth out there.

For every piece you read or listen to ask yourself one very important question. 

Is it true and are you being manipulated?

On Red State this morning Bill S. wrote a piece about the Obama administration not having a strategy for combating the terrorist threat? 

Is that true?  No!

But the piece continued with a quote from Ann Colter saying Obama's only strategy was hoping their bombs don't work.  A nice bullet point, concise, short, easy to remember and embed in gullible minds.  "Hope their bombs don't work."  I'll bet there are loads of conservatives that believe those five words.  But is it true?

"The National Security Strategy of the United States of America is a document prepared periodically by the executive branch of the government of the United States for Congress which outlines the major national security concerns of the United States and how the administration plans to deal with them." Wikipedia

Every President creates one and President Obama's continuing work on that strategy can be found at  while a forum that discusses the implications of these can be found at

You can read it if you care to really become informed or you can continue to fall for bullet points.

Our government functions relatively the same no matter who is president.  National Security is an on going process that strives to protect the nation but also realizes that it can't protect us from everything.  If we as a people were so adept at protecting ourselves there would be no crime at all.  Expecting the President to protect you from some crazy suicide bomber no matter what is a joke.

The likely hood that you will be killed by a terrorist bomb is minuscule.  The likely hood that you will be killed by a weather event or a car accident or even a bee sting is much higher and yet you accept those odds with no complaint. I don't see anyone demanding that the President protects you from those more likely events.  Demanding that any President, conservative or liberal, protects you from any and all instances of a possible shoe bomber or suicide bomber is unrealistic.

Today, our system worked as it should, the Times Square bomber was caught in 53 hours.  Our justice system is working just as it is supposed to and conservatives don't like it.  As of today the criminal justice system has convicted a grant total of Three Hundred and Ninety (390) people charged with terror-related activities from September 11, 2001 to March 18, 2010. The military commissions have convicted a grand total of three(3).

Anyone thinking Military Commissions have a better track record need to investigate.

Our systems are working.  Don't buy the bullet points, and don't let fear of this President allow you to buy into garbage.

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