Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Personal Responsibility Wars

Personal responsibility rears its ugly head in almost every conversation i have with conservatives. They seem to think that liberals abhor personal responsibility and strive to have the entire population become dependent upon government. NOT TRUE

The propaganda their party has fed them has been extremely successful in focusing their entire attention upon a very small percentage of poor people that are permanently dependent upon government. Most of the rest are ASSISTED and not completely dependent. The assistance goes to poor, middle class, rich, old and corporations alike. But only the poor get all the negative attention.

DENIAL plays a huge role in the failure to include the powerful, the wealthy and corporations in the demands for personal responsibility. So far the poor are the only ones regarded as not personally responsible. Even though they have no power, they don't make any rules, they live hand to mouth they get all the focus in the bulk e-mails or discussions. It is easier to shift all blame to the poor to keep your eyes off the powerful. The poor are used so you don't witness the looting of the Treasury and the nation by those that can.

DENIAL allows large segments of our population to ignore the mechanisms corporations and the wealthy use to avoid responsibility for crimes against all of us. DENIAL encourages conservatives to continue to close their eyes to their abuses and vote against their best interests. 

A few facts...Social Security belongs to all of us, Medicare belongs to all of us, WE PAY FOR THEM, public schools belong to all of us, the prisons belong to all of us, the beaches, the parks, the airports, roads, railroads, hospitals, and bridges everything this nation has invested in belongs to all of us. WE HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR THEM, Don't give it away. Don't let big money in politics convince you to give away your assets.

ASSISTANCE is what made this country great. The taking away of that assistance is what is contributing to the downward economic spiral in our living standards and our place in the world. The continual demolition of government services is contributing to the stratification of haves and have nots. We are giving away our future to vultures whose only focus is profit and expansion over the entire globe. They could care less what happens to this nation or its citizens but they will use every available government law or subsidy or tax break to expand their power.

Liberals believe in personal responsibility and want conservatives to wake up and start demanding changes in the laws. We need laws that will deny corporations and unions the ability to control our elections through the use of unlimited contributions. We want conservatives to wake up and deny corporations and unions the right to buy politicians to do their bidding in congress. Corporations are artificial, unions are artificial they can't have personal responsibility so it lets them off the hook. The only way to control our democracy is to take it back. Lets return to control of, by and for the people and not by corporations. The Citizens United Case is a Pandora's box, conservatives and liberals need to close it down again.

Stop focusing on the poor, look at the real culprits.

There isn't a family alive that will not at some point in their journey through life help their members. If we as a nation don't start recognizing that we are part of a big American family that needs attention we will loose our democracy and all our assets.

See ya next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have certainly seen this:

"The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves, in their separate and individual capacities. In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves, government ought not to interfere. The desirable things which the individuals of a people cannot do, or cannot well do, for themselves, fall into two classes: those which have relation to wrongs, and those which have not. Each of these branches off into an infinite variety of subdivisions.

The first—that in relation to wrongs—embraces all crimes, misdemeanors, and non-performance of contracts. The other embraces all which, in its nature, and without wrong, requires combined action, as public roads and highways, public schools, charities, pauperism, orphanage, estates of the deceased, and the machinery of government itself.

From this it appears that if all men were just, there still would be some, though not so much, need of government."

Abraham Lincoln