Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Unelected Corporate Government

There are few things in this world that we feel we can give away for free unless it is done willingly. Most of us pay taxes because we are members of a nation we want to support. We pay the taxes because we recognize that not everything can be done by the private sector or done as cheaply as the government can do it. We recognize the need to shine in the world and we understand that paying for that privilege involves taxes.

Our history details how we fought for and gained fair wages for labor expended. How we fought hard for the 40 hour week, employee based health insurance, and regulations that scaled back dangerous working conditions. We fought hard for a large middle class. But today, all those things we fought so hard for are being chipped away by Unelected Corporate Government.

Unelected Corporate Government is that entity that lobbies legislators and pays for their campaigns. Unelected Corporate Government is what makes legislators expend all their time in office raising money instead of the hard work necessary to govern this land. Unelected Corporate Government is that entity that expects returns on their monetary investments. Unelected Corporate Government wants to lower wages, eliminate employer health insurance and privatize government services so they can suck every tax payer dollar out of the economy and not be regulated.

Unelected Corporate Government loves wars. Wars let them churn out all the hardware they can imagine and make bundles off it in the process.

Over the past 30 years Unelected Corporate Government has established a bulkhead in Washington DC and it is eroding the middle class we fought so hard to establish. No longer can the man of the family support his tribe on one income. Today it takes two just to make ends meet.

Unelected Corporate Government is responsible for lobbing to eliminate regulations on banks that sent our economy into a tailspin and had taxpayers bail them out. Unelected Corporate Government still argues for relaxed regulations so they can do it again. Any time they can suck the tax payer dollar into their coffers is a win. Anytime they can privatize another part of government is a win and a loss to the middle class.

Our national assets, all those things like beaches, parks, roads, bridges, airports and much much more that are to be enjoyed and used by everyone are being robbed from right under our noses. We have already paid for them but Unelected Corporate Government lobbies to give it to them. In fact some on the conservative side are applauding and supporting the robbery without recognizing they are working against themselves and furthering the evisceration of the middle class.

In order for this nation to retain the balance of income levels there has to be a fair share of the investment needed in this nation to keep us strong. No one group should control the assets. Unelected Corporate Government will build a nation of haves and have nots and we need to wake up and stop them.

Here are some questions to ask and ponder.

If Keystone XL Pipeline will reduce our reliance on oil why does it end at a port?

If trickle down is working why are corporate profits high while the living standards of most
middle class families are going down?

Why do more people die from prescribed opiates than heroin? Who is Big Pharma and why are taxpayers paying for the War on Drugs?

Why should the middle class pay more taxes than the 1%?

Why are 88 million people out of the job force? Is it Obama or is it those jobs that were shipped overseas by the trickle downers(corporations)?

Why does a group(ALEC) financed by Exxon, Wal Mart, the Kochs and other heavy players write laws benefiting their needs all over the country while destroying any power the middle class had to be treated fairly?

Why is the middle class shrinking?

Why are wars today paid for by borrowing but wars in the past were paid for by increased taxes or war bonds?

What are the economic costs of our failed wars?

If you don't question you are complicit in the destruction of the middle class as we know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All so true.
fantastic post.