Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I love rainbows

I love rainbows
Fill in either Conservative or Liberal depending upon which place you get
your propaganda from.

Logic is and never was the strong point of a _______________.

Those____________'s have been drinking the Koolaid again.

You are witnessing the fall of a great country aided and abetted by______________'s in Congress.

We played a shell game this morning where the_____________ media blocks a shot.

The lying and story telling by the ___________'s is what is ruining this country.

I wonder if the American people realize they are being duped by the ____________'s.

If the knee jerk portion of America would stop and think things through they would have a better chance of not being hoodwinked by the _______________'s.

Could the _____________'s become disgusted with what is going on, are these people beyond any sense of shame?

All the ____________'s think about is winning at all costs. Why don't the _____________'s look at where they are being led?

When will the _______________'s step up and chastise their own?

Let's not forget that it was the ____________ tax policy that got us here.

The _______________'s are a collection of people that represent the scum rising to the top of the morally and ethically bankrupt political pool. A pool filled by corruption as thick as a crude oil spill.
Somewhere on the south shore nice empty spaces

Now fill in the blank with Obama or Romney.

The more ____________ campaigns the more he exposes himself as a man completely and utterly without morals, dignity, or class.

Ultimately it's ____________ own constituents who will have to draw the line, who will have to say no you have gone too far and abandon him.

______________ is a job killer.

_______________ is the king of empty vessels and a shape shifter extrordinaire.

______________ is convinced his world view is correct.

The media needs to do a better job of calling out ____________'s lies and distortions.

Making shit up, that's all _____________'s doing.

i'm sick of the back stabbing by both sides. i hope some of you filling in the blanks recognize that both sides say exactly the same things to manipulate you and make you angry. My piece last week about limiting the campaign season would do away with a lot of this, but here are two more issues to consider.
Great Pond a wonderful birding spot

1. Why is it that this political season no one talks about the situation in Afghanistan? Just looking at the troop deaths alone in the past few months we had 36 in May, 42 in June, 29 in July, and for August it is pushing 10 already. No one knows why we are there anymore and it is ignored by the ______________
media. If the mission was to topple OBL then we have accomplished that and more. Bring them home.

2.  Setting the record straight. Statement by President Bill Clinton on Governor Mitt Romney's New Television Advertisement
New York, NY—Governor Romney released an ad today alleging that the Obama administration had weakened the work requirements of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. That is not true.
The act emerged after years of experiments at the state level, including my work as Governor of Arkansas beginning in 1980. When I became President, I granted waivers from the old law to 44 states to implement welfare to work strategies before welfare reform passed.
After the law was enacted, every state was required to design a plan to move people into the workforce, along with more funds to help pay for training, childcare and transportation. As a result, millions of people moved from welfare to work.
The recently announced waiver policy was originally requested by the Republican governors of Utah and Nevada to achieve more flexibility in designing programs more likely to work in this challenging environment. The Administration has taken important steps to ensure that the work requirement is retained and that waivers will be granted only if a state can demonstrate that more people will be moved into work under its new approach. The welfare time limits, another important feature of the 1996 act, will not be waived.
The Romney ad is especially disappointing because, as governor of Massachusetts, he requested changes in the welfare reform laws that could have eliminated time limits altogether. We need a bipartisan consensus to continue to help people move from welfare to work even during these hard times, not more misleading campaign ads
“Remember a lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Mark Twain

See ya next week.
A retired guy cleaning his fish!

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