Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Did you know that honey and cinnamon mixed in tea may reduce cholesterol if taken regularly,
or that tea made with honey and cinnamon can arrest the ravages of old age, or that cinnamon taken alone can reduce your sugar levels?

Some time ago i had a paragraph here about blueberries helping with the skin but did you know that peaches are now considered a super food and will give you added energy, chocolate that is 70% pure is a heart health food and Acai berries will burn off anxiety symptoms. Every year we are bombarded with some new data that alerts us to the latest fad that will improve some aspect of our lives. Many of us looking for help dutifully purchase the new anti-aging, weight-loss inducing, sex enhancing food, liquid or pill that may or may not have some effect.

We humans are weak, we want to be loved, appreciated and admired. We want to fit in with our groups mores and so we purchase things to make ourselves more acceptable. The clothing we wear, the cars we drive, the homes we buy, the foods we eat, the jobs we have and the exercise programs we indulge in all suffice to make us feel better about ourselves.

Most of our desires are formed and manipulated by our past experiences, belief systems, parents, unmet needs, jobs and for some the influence of media and the internet over real life experiences. Today the influence of media and technology plays a larger role than all those other items i mentioned. We are being manipulated to a larger extent than ever before by forces that want us to consume and reveal every facet of our lives.

See ya next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice sentiments...I am running out (in my beat up jeans, in my not so fancy car,) to get cinnamon now!