Thursday, October 4, 2012

Debate Thoughts

Like a slick car salesman Romney knows how to sell. He was poised, aggressive, well trained and relaxed unlike the President who has been running the country and couldn't take time out to get ready. Romney had volume and talked over Lehrer and the President so often i was yelling at Lehrer to actually do his job and moderate.

Although my view last night was that Romney had more time to speak in fact President Obama had four minutes extra but you would never know it. He was a gentleman extraordinaire and fortunately never lowered himself to the mud pit Romney's gaffs were trying to eek out. A lesser man may have succumbed to the temptation to correct him but he chose to leave that up to the media. He was his same measured self he always is. Not one to loudly try and dominate the debate.

FactCheck and PolitiFact have been working over time checking Romney's statements and if lies or half truths are indicative of how he will govern we are in big trouble if he actually wins.

More than one Fact checker has claimed Romney's saying that he could pay for the 5Trillion tax cut that he says his policies wouldn't trigger by giving a 20% marginal tax rate without raising the deficit is impossible. And that lowering the rate to 20% would give millionaires another tax break and raise middle class taxes by $2,000 even though he claims it wouldn't.

Romney's $716 billion claim against the President is half true. It doesn't take any money away from current recipients of Medicare but does reduce payments to insurance companies and drug manufacturers. And that unelected board can not restrict benefits nor determine care for anyone in order to reduce costs. The law specifically prohibits that.

But here is the big take away from last night and it may have happened because Romney realized he had missed out on a tax break others were getting. He said, “ You get a deduction for getting a plant overseas? Look, I've been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you're talking about. I maybe need to get a new accountant.”

That one statement reveals the real Romney. He could care less about the rest of us and quickly thought about firing his accountant for not informing him about this tax deduction when offshoring jobs. He thought it didn't exist but it does and he never got a chance to use it. In fact in July Republican Senators voted to protect these giveaways by voting against the Bring Jobs Home Act. This is the real Romney not the slick, well trained, aggressive man you saw last night.

According to Think Progress Romney told 27 myths in 38 minutes. Go read them here

See Ya

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