Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Debate

Has anyone noticed that the world marches on while we mess around trying to find a leader or leaders who will have to start on the campaign trail before they even have time to govern. After two years of campaigning i think everyone in the country is sick to death of politicians trying to make you like them. Don't most of us want strong leaders not politicians that are effectively neutralized because they have to spend so much time raising money and campaigning.

Last night was just another detraction from the real problems we have mounting in this nation and all over the world. Neither man will ever have enough single power or time to govern the way they would like or solve the multitude of problems that affect the nation. Anyone thinking they can single handedly do what they said they would like to do last night is naive.

Our government is divided into three parts. None of them can work independently of the other. We have the Judiciary, Congress and the President. Laws are written by the Congress and go to the President for signing. The Judiciary rules on the laws and send them back to Congress. No President can ever make the changes Romney wants to make without the consent of the Congress and the Judiciary and to think otherwise is not to understand the laws that govern this nation.

So who do you really think can work with others? Who has spent his whole life working with and for others? Who has tried throughout his Presidency to the chagrin of his base to meet half way and try to compromise? Last night you saw a real leader in action. President Obama reinforced his commitment to everyone in the nation.

And just to set the record straight here are a few things i noticed about the debate.

  1. Mitt said he wants no taxes on bank account interest, dividends, or the money you make off capital gains. Essentially what he was saying is that he doesn't want to pay any taxes at all because that is where he makes all his money. i guess 14% is even too high for him.
  2. Those binders full of women's names he “asked” for. Apparently prior to his election women's groups all over Massachusetts put together the binder full of names and handed them to Romney . He never asked for them he was given them.
  3. He indirectly accused single mother's for the violence in America.
  4. Oil is a global commodity and the President has no control over the price of oil or the cost at the gas pump. Romney won't be able to control gas prices either.
  5. Romney said automatic weapons are illegal in this country. NOT TRUE they are legal and he never answered the question.
So who won?
See ya next week.

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