Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fortune telling

When i was out in San Francisco in September i went to the Musee Mecanique which is a privately owned warehouse on the waterfront full of old arcade games that actually work. These machines that are loud and clunky are the precursors to video games. Anyone who has every played with one will certainly take a trip back in time when they see these.

The most exciting part for me was finding “Laughing Sal” still able to get laughs from anyone popping their money in. i actually paid to have the fortune telling machine pop out the Wizards Prediction. i of course pumped my money into whatever caught my fancy but i have to admit i still have the Wizard's Prediction sitting by my computer.
She really makes me laugh

i don't know if everyone gets the same fortune but i think it would be a great idea if they did for here is what it said.

“It is dangerous to go through life thinking too much of the serious things. Cultivate a sense of humor. Have the fun you deserve. Don't overlook opportunities that require some imagination and daring. There may be certain circumstances when you should gamble with Fate for the best results. If you lose—so what? The experience gained could be worth far more than a state of indecision or no action at all.
Whether married or single you should never neglect romance. It should prove to be a real tonic: stimulating your activities, inspiring you with higher ideals and putting a sparkle to your personality. Travel is not recommended and it may be better for you to remain in a familiar environment. You will be happier by entertaining relatives and friends than visiting them. Money should not be one of your particular problems, for likely you have learned to save. You are lovely and are loved.”

How could anyone not be happy with a fortune like that?

i think it's my Irish heritage that encourages me to be open to all sorts of stimulus coming in from the wee spirits in whatever form they decide to communicate through. Of course the bad fortunes we try to forget quickly. My father once had a fortune teller say he would be plagued by fire and he was. We really wanted to get rid of that one but nothing could remove the bad juju until he died.

My mother had one tell her she would live to be 92 but she was off by ten years and since she thought she was going to live that long most of the last part of her life was relatively healthy. i dragged my step daughter into one in NY when she was going through all sorts of turmoil and damn if the fortune teller didn't give her a future that was most welcome and did turn out. i can't remember what she told me.

And what about Fortune cookies...don't you just love them, i like how they taste and i can't wait to find out what they have to say. Too bad we can't get them before dinner instead of having to wait until the end. Have you ever wondered how the fortune gets in the cookie...well i of course have and looked it up. They cook the dough in a circle and while they are still cooling the paper is folded inside. It hardens and voila. 

Once i had one that said:

“A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.”

So of course i always listen to that little voice telling me to write about fortunes today and not next week. Some people consult their psychic on a regular basis...i do it for fun, i read my horoscope and if it is good i remember it and if it isn't i don't. i mean really i don't think i could even tell you a bad one if you asked me. 

Oh no i just remembered i can...whenever i get one that says i'm going to make lots of money it never happens...but i'm ever the optimist. i go to which i think has the best horoscopes around and its free if you don't want the long and involved look at your whole birth data.

If people really knew how many Fortune 500 CEO's,bankers and politicians go to psychics they would be shocked. We all know our time here is limited so some use fortunes and psychics to gain control over something we have no control over. i just think its fun and if you haven't ever been to a palm reader or fortune teller or had your horoscope cast go and have some fun.

See ya next week.

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