Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Fusion of reality and pictures

“Half of all the food produced worldwide goes to waste.” Wall Street Daily

Chikungunya, car jackings, bank robberies and will she or won’t she be on the November ballot are just a few of the local happenings on island.
There is a device in Sweden that you put your hand into and it uses your vein patterns to verify your identity. The unit can secure’s each individual’s payment patterns after an initial registration at a Quixter terminal. Seems like the ultimate way to keep your money yours.
“It’s overwhelmingly clear what the citizenry wants: fed up with a system in which the super-rich and giant corporations are effectively able to buy politicians and policy, the American people are rising up and demanding a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and restore our democracy,” explains Robert Weissman,
Sixteen states and more than 600 towns, villages, cities and counties demand an amendment to the constitution over Citizens United.
“One Million comments submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission have called for requiring companies to disclose political donations in their shareholder reports.” Nation

3,000,000 Syrian refugees are being housed by neighboring countries and an additional 6.5 million are displaced within Syria. Same thing is going on in Iraq. Why does no one discuss the fact that all these millions of people don't support ISIS?

One in three according to a Global Poll frown on investing in gun manufacturers.

Based on all the data statistics from 2007 to 2013 McAfee has determined that all this data would cover every inch of our Earth.

Formaldehyde is in some of your cosmetics, soaps, lotions and baby products. It is also a known cancer causer.

It is not only people that are stressed…50% of our birds are facing extinction all across North America because of human induced climate change.

Finally…after months of trying to get a decent picture of one of the most handsome but oh so illusive Bridled Quail Dove's one literally knocked on my house…recomposed himself in the grass and allowed me to snap away. He is fine and flew off but not until i got a few pics.

A list of the things i found in a comment thread somewhere that could do the world in starting from least likely to more likely. 1. Universal Phase Shift 2. Extraterrestrial invasion 3. Grey Goo 4. AI singularity hard takeoff 4. Supernova or rogue planet 5. Gamma Ray Burst 6. Super volcano 7. Asteroid or comet impact 8. Critical pollinator extinction or biodiversity loss 9. Pandemic 10. Nuclear War 11. Global Warming

i love thinking about all that stuff but in the mean time wouldn't it be nicer to invite your friends and family over for a good long chat.
See ya next week.

1 comment:

Nancy Buckingham said...

Bridled Quail Dove. Wow. Just wow.