Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Poetry, pics and comments

Soul receives from soul that knowledge, therefore not by book
nor from tongue.
If knowledge of mysteries come after emptiness of mind, that is
illumination of heart.
If thou wilt be observant and vigilant, thou wilt see at every moment the response to thy action.
Be observant if thou wouldst have a pure heart, for something is born to thee in consequence
of every action.
Make yourself free from self at one stroke!
Like a sword be without trace of soft iron;
Like a steel mirror, scour off all the rust with contrition.
Below was found while reading comments on an aging article:

Polish yer shoes
and no soup stains on yer shirt
I love seeing the kids wear what I wear
theirs is retro
mine is original
Another comment:
I thought I was going to grow old gracefully…but then my grandchildren arrived on the scene.
I am now a budding wizard, a dragon tamer, and the holder of some very old books which are
all magic.
More than 2 billion people use the internet and its only 25 years old.
Being walkers with the dawn and morning,
Walkers with the sun and morning
We are not afraid of night,
Nor days of gloom,
Nor darkness-
Being walkers with the sun and morning
-Langston Hughes
Found in comments here and there
A life spent ticking off items on an ever growing to-do list is busy but ultimately futile.
Another found comment:
“A man walked around for several weeks with a hole in the toe of his shoe. When coming under criticism, he pointed out that if he had replaced them when the hole first appeared the new pair of shoes would now be a third of the way to being worn out.” 
One thing that is good about the war
is that it took one’s mind off the earthquake
which took one’s mind off the drought
which took ones mind off the homeless
which took one’s mind off of sex
which took one’s mind off
Mark Schwartz
According to a Norwegian Refugee study mega disasters such as typhoons and hurricanes drove 22 million people from their homes in 2013….three times as many people as war.
Some might respond that 22 million temporarily displaced by nature versus 7 million permanently scared by war is not reassuring. Others may say that war is avoidable and natural disasters are not.
Think about the entire world…see that blue globe hanging in space…globally August was the warmest month EVER since records began being kept in 1880 according to NASA.
1079. Written after thieves had broken into his hut, Monk Ryokan (translated by Steven D. Carter

At least the robbers
left this one thing behind—
moon in my window.
Death is an evil;
we have the gods’
word for it;
they too would die
if death were a good thing.
Now that all thoughts have subsided
off I go, deep into the woods,
and pick me
a handful of shepherd's purse.
Just like the stream
meandering through mossy crevices
I, too, hushed
become utterly clear.

i’m just wondering are there people out there that don’t have bucket lists?
See ya next week.

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