Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Comments seen on line

"The world's problem is people...unless we reduce the number of people we will eventually destroy earth."Anon

"The expansion of capitalism is always to poverty rich places where exploitation without responsibility thrives."Anon

"The belief that the capitalist exploiters are only the one percent is false. Every first world consumer supports that exploitation."Anon

"It doesn't matter what technology you produce if the system is designed to expand ad infinitum and destroy all. Earth will reboot without us." Anon

"Ceaseless consumption by an ever increasing amount of humans ravaging the planet for appetite and profit will not end well and is not sustainable."Anon

"By telling Tehran not to negotiate with the President of the United States, the Republican party threatens America's status as a global superpower."Leslie Gelb

"These noble legislators were saying President Obama doesn't speak for Congress or the American people." "You can now defy him and thus the United States however you wish." Leslie Gelb and you can defame any other President that comes along i might add.
Sora at Granard Pond South
Those Republicans with the good sense not to sign that horrific letter to Iran deserve mentioning. Bob Corker, Lisa Murkowski, Jeff Flake, Lamar Alexander, Susan Collins, Dan Coats, and Thad Cochran

"At least some senatorial Republicans put their country above partisanship, blind ideology, and hatred of the duly elected president of the United States." Leslie Gelb

Some of those 47 that signed that awful letter are now back peddling. What a bunch of sheepish jokers...they should have done a little more thinking before they signed. 
Deutsche Bank analysts produced a 175 page report recently that details a future 15 years ahead where solar generated energy will be the dominant resource world wide. They project solar industries will generate 5 trillion annually in revenue. I'm so thrilled to read this as I've been touting its benefits since the 70's. 

Noam Chomsky thinks that corporations not progressives put limits on freedom of speech. He thinks media conglomerations dictate what you see and read.

"He said the First Amendment offered protection from government constraints on free speech, but not from corporate limitations."
“Nothing prevents me from saying in the United States that the Iraq War was the worst crime in the 21st Century, but I can reach only very marginal audiences on what is pretty obvious fact,” Chomsky said. “You can say in the United States within the mainstream that the Iraq War was a strategic blunder, as Obama did, but try saying that it’s a crime of aggression of a kind that led to the hanging of Nazi criminals at Nuremberg. Try to write an op-ed about that.”
See ya next week 

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