Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What if I'm Wrong

i was having an e-mail discussion about Ferguson and the DOJ report that came out of there. Obviously we are on opposing sides regarding racism, white privilege, poverty, education and work and low taxes as the only solution. 

These topics are too huge to get into here but because of all that writing back and forth that line “Don’t put on your Rose Colored Glasses” has been on repeat in my brain.

“Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true.” Francis Bacon.

Keeping an open mind is impossible it seems especially if it impacts ones ideology.
 So here is a question for all of us. When was the last time you asked yourself “What if i’m wrong?”

When have you considered that two people can look at the exact same thing and come to two different conclusions?

When was the last time you really changed your mind about something you truly believed?

Deliberation is a step many of us skip before arriving at some conclusion. We take in information and form our opinions based upon our biases.
 If we were to buy something like a home we would ask all sorts of questions about the residence. How was it constructed, what repairs have been made, does it fit our needs, is the neighborhood one we want to live in, and on and on. We inform ourselves as much as possible before making any kind of decision. We get as much information as we can.

So why is it that in other parts of our lives we just accept what our tribe tells us and regurgitate it? 

Why don’t more of us ask probing questions before accepting certain viewpoints and perspectives.

Is it because we are lazy? Is it because being part of a particular tribe is more important than discovery? 
i don’t know, do you?

The liar’s paradox comes to mind.

This statement is false. 
“This statement is false” is true.

Outside the edge of a branch there are leaves and needles. They are different from the branch but they are connected to it, they work together even though not at all alike. What is true…what is false should always be questioned.

See ya next week

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