Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Asinine stuff

George Carlin always had a ready comment for anything. He penned this poem years ago that really talks to our asinine human ability to trash the earth.
Oh Beautiful for smoggy skies,
Insecticided grain,
For strip-mined mountain’s majesty
Above the asphalt plain.
America, America,
Man sheds his waste on thee,
And hides the pines with billboard signs,
From sea to oily sea.
Humans have depleted 90 percent of the big fish, 75 percent of the forests, the oceans are 30 percent more acidic, and we wiped out 50% of wildlife since 1970.  We face a world with no fisheries, no coral reefs, no rain forests, water scarcity etc.,etc.,etc. Are we assholes…what is wrong with humanity…don’t we understand its about saving ourselves?
That’s my nod to Earth Day for today’s blog.
When did it become OK to treat workers as commodities? Today some workers have to call in half an hour before they are due to work to see if they actually can go to work. How the hell do they plan their lives or even afford them?
The inability of some cities to refinance their debt at a lower interest rate because the investors bought fixed rate municipal bonds. 
The open carry woman in North Carolina who had her handgun exposed on the center console has it snatched while sitting in her vehicle with the windows rolled down. The thief ordered her to drive away while pointing it at her.
Fining the woman in Texas $2,000 for feeding the homeless on the street.
Those states that still don’t believe that fracking is responsible for their upticks in earthquakes.
“They don’t have any debt except for a mortgage and student loans.” Morgan House
The public needing legal protection to videotape police.
Thinking that it is OK for government agencies to track us online and collect data from our phone usage.
Believing same sex marriage is some how going to impact a heterosexual marriage.
Buying into the idea that free speech equals money.
Supporting Congress outsourcing its thinking to lobbyists.
We humans can think and do some really stupid stuff but ever the Optimist i think if we keep hammering away at it we will one day get it right. Happy Earth Day.
See ya next week


t strother said...

Dear Sheelagh, workers considered a commodity is only the tip of the iceberg. Now that oligarchs are running the world everything is a commodity. Here in Calif. the big issue is water. Folks are upset that farmers get most of the water at reduced rates. Only there are damn few “farmers” here anymore, what we have is agribusiness. They don’t raise crops they market commodities. So the big money invests, deep wells are dug to water profitable crops (sorry - commodities) like almonds which are sold to Asian markets and provide good returns on the initial investments. By the time the water runs out the money will have moved on to other commodities; all with the likes of libertarians/tea partiers and most conservatives cheering them on. There’s no good will, no conscience, nothing but the bottom line. I cannot envision a future where this stops before there’s a global catastrophe. Sorry to be so bleak, but there you have it. t

Sheelagh said...

You are right and it is bleak.