Lay, in the nautical world, usually means to come or go. Lay aboard, means to come along side an enemy and board their boat. i've spent the past four or five years coming along side my own countries boat, the country i love, trying to board to stop the carnage.
We all want a fair wind to plot our course, to lay aboard and reach our goals.
Mankind has been told over and over not to judge.
He has been advised by "GOD" that judging others cannot be done in this world. That "GOD" will judge all upon each individuals death.
The ALLOne does not judge, anything, ever.
If there is any judging that must occur it has to happen while alive and be accounted for while alive.
We are Master's of ourselves, but we have a universal responsibility, for we are human beings first and foremost which makes us all the same.
We have to learn how to judge others that will take weapons into their hands to bring about change.
We have to learn how to teach all mankind that the use of weapons is abhorrent.
We have to learn how to teach all mankind that as long as we accept the use of weapons as part of the human condition we have tacitly approved of their use.
We have to learn how to teach all mankind to make pariahs of anyone using violence to achieve their goals.
We have to teach mankind that viewing the ability to use one's strength to overpower another is no longer acceptable.
The responsibility to prevent violence belongs to every human being alive on planet earth.
If anyone shirks that responsibility he fails at becoming a part of AllOne.
Religion to date has accorded violence a place in its dogma.
No longer will violence have a place holder, for every religion has failed to conquer violence and now, today, another method must be developed.
We have been made to accept this curse of violence upon mankind because of our failure to judge.
We have to use our judgment and judge those harshly that would consider using violence to solve a problem or reach a goal.
Every human being in the world has to come out and judge harshly any other human being that even tries to rationalize violence as a means to an end.
For violence begets more violence.
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