Usually when this question is asked the questioner is asking the questioned to recite the things we know about a subject. These answers are easily accessed and the questioned can create a list of things they already know about. Most have no problem reciting things "they know."
Easy, we all say....we know certain things about our existence that we don't usually question.
But, "how do we know?"
When asked "how we know" we then have to find supporting evidence for "what we know."
Most of us don't like to have "what we know" confused with the difficult "how do we know" question. Our realities are based upon "what we know" not "how we know."
All of us are guilty of believing facts that later turned out to be myths or untruths.
Even the most basic factual assumptions can be made erroneously or can prove to be false. So how do we remain cautious before drawing conclusions?
Lots of people draw conclusions based upon "faith".
Doing this ends the conversation, for conclusions based upon "faith" cannot be questioned.
Others need more information. When you need more information sometimes you are perceived as bothersome. The bothersome person can continue to question trying to find answers while the person "who already knows" can end the conversation and not have to contend with the bothersome person anymore
or you can try to find common ground.
So, when you ponder this dilemma of knowing and having to defend that knowledge, do we all inadvertently close the door to further inquiry because "we already know?"
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