Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Photo help

i take a lot of pictures all over the island and recently noticed a quirk. i had taken a photo of this old run down house about a month ago and posted it in my blog.

A friend had seen it in the blog and told me to go back and look at the place again. i went back and found this which looks like it has been there forever.Double click on them they are nice photos.

Does anyone know why the building was plastered with these old photos? Who are they?
Interesting old site:  A sandstone cave located in southwest Egypt close to the Libyan border is called the Cave of Swimmers because of the figures on the walls. Here in the middle of the desert drawings that are believed to be 10,000 years old show human beings in the act of swimming.
You can be put to death in 13 countries around the world for atheism.
The National Day of Reason is on May 1, 2014.
Investment is driven by demand if there are investments to be made they will be done regardless of tax rates.
Inequality hurts economic growth. When people can't buy the economy can not grow.
Obamacare does not ration health care by income like our previous system.
Every time the CBO estimates how much Obamacare will cost the number gets come you never read that on the conservative sites?
Studies are showing that more and more of the wealthy get their money through inherited wealth.

Studies also find that the wealthy give less of their total income(1.3%) to charity than middle class Americans(3.2%).
Causes of bird fatalities:
wind turbines...less than 10,000
communication towers....50,000
high tension lines..........1,370,000
Buildings/windows..... 5,820,000
 i think FOX news incites hatred, animosity, and fear, maybe FOX news watchers think all the other stations do the same thing, i don't.
Apple says climate change is real and a real problem for the world. 94% of its corporate facilities and 100% of its data centers are powered by renewables.

See ya next week.

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