Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Visitors mean this one is a shorty

A study from the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and US Fish and Wildlife Service has estimated that “free-ranging domestic cats” kill a median of 2.4 billion birds and 12.3 billion mammals every year.

Saudi Arabia spent $67bn on it military, Russia spent $87.8bn, China spent $188bn, and the US spent $640bn in 2013 according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Lesser Yellowlegs

Laws against sleeping in your car or on the sidewalk are called “quality of life laws.” Quality of life for who i wonder.
Spotted Sandpiper

Findings by the National Academy of Sciences released yesterday make claims that China's air pollution could be contributing to intensifying storms over the Pacific.

Adam Smith is quoted a lot by conservatives, i wonder what they would think about him saying this.
"The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."[121]
or this:
"Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all."
According to the CBO regarding the Affordable Care Act:
1.ACA enrollment through exchanges reached 7.1 million, ahead of early estimates.
2.The ACA is quickly reducing the uninsured rate.
3.Thanks in part to the ACA, health care spending has slowed dramatically and health care inflation is at its lowest point in 50 years.
4.According to the Department of Commerce, the ACA is also having a positive effect on personal incomes.
 5. And according to the CBO, the system is even more affordable than previously projected.
The International Space Station is able to recycle 75% of astronauts pee.

See ya next week.

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