Tuesday, January 1, 2008

thinking makes it so

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

Humanity is infinitely more complicated than our Western culture suggests.

We live in a bubble of sorts.

Some who live in the Western Hemisphere believe that our reality, our construct of the world defines all human beings that are spread out over the entire earth.

Our Western culture is ruled by our history as written in the first person, US. It does not include the history of other peoples. It does not include their story, or their reading of world events. Their world view is left out of our consciousness and our conversation for our history is about US.

When we talk about changing the world we talk about it on our terms not theirs for we believe that our prosperity is the answer to the worlds woes. We believe that all mankind should enjoy life as we do.

We have no idea!

The human condition is not to feel contentment at all times.

The human condition does not have the time or inclination to reside in a meditative state.

Humans must contend daily with the realities of living.

But humans of all types can contribute to the human aim of betterment for all, peace for all and these things can be achieved in a modern world.

These things can be achieved when we take ourselves out of our reality and try and view the world from another's perspective.

A good exercise in daily living is to open up to reviewing another's point of view.

Do they have grievances that have not been acknowledged? Have they been made to feel that their reality has been marginalized or completely ignored?

Don't we all have grievances that have not been acknowledged. If those grievances were acknowledged by the parties creating the grievance could there then be a more open method for communication?

When all sides have been allowed to recite their grievances, when all sides really listen, doesn't this make the discussion not about winning but about listening?

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