Monday, March 3, 2008

changing the world in the check out line

i'm trying to keep things simple and dry.
It has been sprinkling today, no heavy downpours, just that quiet wetting of the earth and all things exposed to it.
i have been slowly wetting the blogging world instead of bombarding it with my inspirational quips (Ha).

My delusions, my insanity, my desire to save the world.

i stood in the check out line yesterday......chatting with a friend in front of me.....telling him that i wanted to save the world. He said he didn't think the world was worth saving(sourpuss) and i of course lambasted him.

Thankfully, the check out lady had to have an item priced and we stood there discussing saving or not saving. By the time we were finished he did agree that there is a definite change in the air. That forces controlling the discourse are moving in a more positive direction. That maybe changing the world wasn't all bad. The check out lady was nodding her head and the bag boy was beaming as were the people behind us in line.

Today, i was with another group of people and the subject moved to the changes occurring in the world. i told someone about this blog and said i wanted to help save the world. This fellow answered "good" we need more that want to change the world.

More and more people intuitively believe that a positive change could and may very well occur. You don't have to be religious to believe or to be optimistic about mankind.

think in some way the concept of revelation over time is very real. Believing that concern for the time we live in is of utmost importance and that as we evolve so do the concepts of our responsibilities towards all men.

When people are ready to hear, teachers appear. Education of humanity for the time period, for the welfare of human society, occurs when truth is revealed over time and moves humanity towards that of unity. As the ravages of war unveil their ugly truths the need to stop repeating history allows speakers of another world view the opportunity to approach the podium with age old wisdom that has not been given a chance to prevail.

As mankind moves away from its tribal heritage and self indulgence, towards a more connected world, the old prejudices fall away allowing the unity of humanity to occur.

Today there should be no such thing as a second class citizen. As the world matures and humanity recognizes differences and similarities the greater good will be served when all can accept that each human being should be treated with dignity, respect and equal treatment under the law.

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