Tuesday, March 18, 2008

food factories working overtime

According to my calendar and probably yours it is March. Typically in those areas north of the equator March means the beginning of Spring. Spring is a time for better things to come, of growth and renewal, longer days, and the beginnings of the warming trend that extends through the Summer.
Spring is the time to put things together and start the new planting with the extra daylight we all get to enjoy.

Autumn, in the Northern Hemisphere, is the opposite of Spring. Autumn usually starts in September and is the time of year that is associated with a cooling trend as we move out of summer and into winter. Autumn is a time when food, that has finally ripened, can be harvested, trees loose their leaves and the days start to get shorter.

We have both seasons occurring at once here in the islands, Autumn and Spring work together in the month of March. During March the rains stop and the land begins to dry out. Bright red, yellow and orange clusters of leaves flutter through the air whenever a light wind blows, festooning the island with carpets of brightly colored dried crunchy leaves. i love stepping on them this time of year.

While the leaves drop you can find locals picking guavas, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, bananas, eggplant and other fruit and vegetables that make their way to market.

As this is going on, new seeds are being planted by the winds, bats, birds and farmers. Bees and hummingbirds are buzzing around looking for something to pollinate. Everywhere you can see new growth, shoots poking their stems up through the earth, flowers blossoming on trees, all things rejuvenating and rejoining in a burst of new growth.

Change can happen...just look at how Autumn and Spring, so different further north work together here. Neither dominates. Autumn strips us bare and spring clothes us but here we can do both at once and find ways to compromise.

When the notion is self over everything else we thrust upon ourselves situations that do not transfer out into civilization. Working on how to help yourself, how to meditate, how to practice mindfulness, how to get ahead in your profession does not do anything for the greater good. It might help you feel better about yourself but how does it help move civilization forward? How do you get beyond the self and on to making the world a better place for everyone?

Well Autumn and Spring working together is an indication in nature that even opposites can and will find ways to join together to create a better environment.

They don't have to go it alone.

They are equal because no two things can be more equal.

We human beings are equal too...we can work together...we can make the world a better place......we just don't always understand this.

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