Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Buffet and Trump

That time of year again, they almost have it all devoured
When you go to the conservative sites they claim that Warren Buffet must be a socialist because he thinks the rich should be taxed more. i love how the word socialist is used so much on the their sites. You’d think they’d all get sick of seeing it in every conceivable piece of political counter argument. If a piece these days doesn’t have “socialist” in it i think God they’ve lost the thread, they might loose their masses if they don’t repeat it over and over. In the conservative world that word is so fraught with terror, the commies are coming, the commies are coming its become an outright joke to the rest of us.

So today i’m wondering how they will respond to Donald Trump saying Monday that he is not averse to paying more taxes but that the oil companies won’t want to pay more because they aren’t patriotic. Is he a socialist now and if he isn’t how come? Trump claimed that he would be willing to pay more in taxes because he is patriotic but that other’s in his wealth strata aren’t and will leave the country before agreeing to up their ante.

Sargasso grass reminds me of the century plants curves
Here is a man that wanted to run for President on the Republican ticket. The Tea Partiers loved him but how are they going to reconcile his agreement with Buffet that the country needs the wealthy to pony up? Trump just stabbed the Tea Partiers, the Birthers, the Deathers, the Republican Party, Koch Bros., Rush Limbaugh and Fox News in the back, and gave President Obama a big leg-up politically. i wonder what all those millionaire congressmen and representatives will do now that one of their own has gone to the dark side. i’ll bet Trump wishes he had kept his mouth shut.

i read somewhere that some on the right think that the two of them (Buffet and Trump) should just donate their money to the government. The writer i read claimed that taxes are imposed thus making us slaves of the United States and not free human beings. i think he or she has no idea what they are talking about and probably spouts off about the Constitution without really understanding that taxes are an integral part of those documents. 

An early morning birding spot with moon bonus
Paying taxes are specifically laid out in the Constitution and are to be used to promote the general welfare of its citizens and the defense of the country. If he and anyone else on the right doesn’t support paying taxes then they are not patriots and that is where Trump really stuck his foot in it, Republicans don’t like paying taxes.

Liberals support paying taxes, they understand what the common good means, they understand what defense of this country means and that they both cost money. i’m curious to see if more wealthy come out of the woodwork to promote more taxes, wouldn’t that be a shift.

Next topic…corporate personhood. From the tenth century up until the early 1900’s corporations, churches and government were considered artificial persons. Natural persons were and still are you and i.

i love the places that have showers on the beach
If you are at all concerned about the ever enlarging power of corporations to control politicians, judges, natural assets, jobs and the law you might be interested in supporting Move To Amend, a group formed to amend the constitution. This group believes corporations are not persons and possess only the privileges citizens and their elected representatives willfully grant them. They do believe corporations can engage in a limited form of personhood which includes entering into contracts, suing and being sued etc. They don’t believe corporations should enjoy certain rights elucidated in the Constitution that were intended for natural human beings. Their Amendment will reverse the Supreme Court’s (Citizen United) recent invention of corporate personhood and limit corporations to their proper role: doing business. Go visit their site and learn more.

See ya next week

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