Wednesday, August 3, 2011


John Lee Hooker: This song is so good go listen...
Music Makers!
Music is a binder, it draws people together and is a way of life for many. i'm a listener, a foot tapper, a windows rolled up in the car belter outer and a dancer when it moves me. i've always listened to music in the car and for some strange reason switched to talk radio trying to get a handle on local happenings. That was a huge mistake all it does is makes me depressed so i switched back to music and seat dance my way to where ever i'm going. i usually arrive feeling good which is definitely a good way to start out anything.
Night time in F'sted
John Coltrane 

Lately i've been listening to a variety of music. Jazz, blues, reggae, rock and roll, and some alternative stuff i find around the web. When you have Emilies threatening the region, constant power outages, no phones for over a month, dysfunction in DC and 8% across the board wage cuts in the islands i find music to be the great soother.  It makes me feel good no matter what else is going on and probably makes you feel good too.

Malathini & The Mahotella Queens

The Guardian newspaper site is an amazing place to pick up music you might have missed, mostly European bands that don't get much recognition here. Pandora is great for setting on your computer and piping into your home to fit whatever mood you are in. You can pick bands you like and their algorithm finds other bands you might also enjoy. i've been listening to them since they first started and although sometimes they can get the music really wrong for the most part they do a good job. Allmusic and Pitchfork do reviews and AOL lets you listen to bands on their site. My favorite Lulu was bought out by Apple and shut down. i still haven't found one i loved as much as that site. Apple really saw their competition as a threat and solved that one fast. i wish they hadn't done them in, but i still have hopes that someone else will come along and do it again.
Early evening at Sprat Hall

Gregory Issacs: Night Nurse     
Gilberto Gill: 
Elite Gymnastics: So Close to Paradise
Barrington Levy: Black Roses 
Portugal. The Man: Got it All
Toro y Moi : Still Sound
The nice thing about music today is you don't have to buy all the crappy songs on an album just to get the one you like. You can mix and match.

Emilies purple sunset
Music unites and all over the world people work together to raise awareness to teach and inspire others to express themselves through this medium. Music can help people sympathize with those they might not understand, musicians use it to protest everything and to speak of love, love lost and love found. We all can reach across religious, ideological and cultural divides by introducing others to our music, i've put a few links up...check them out, stop them if they irritate you and move on to a next one. But think about this if you can't reach someone through talk or writing, try music.

See ya next week.

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