Saturday, August 6, 2011

S&P Downgrade

President Obama will probably become the conservative’s scapegoat for the Standard and Poor’s downgrade. As a group, accepting blame for anything is an anathema, conservatives are never to blame, but this time this is their baby.

If President Obama hadn’t gone completely against his base and offered to put entitlements on the table he might be culpable and have to share part of this. But as it turns out the conservatives are the ones that rebuffed his offer to put Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid on the table in exchange for closing some tax loopholes. When Cantor and Boehner walked out of meetings during the most recent debacle because of their refusal to even consider anything revenue based they took on complete ownership of the downgrade. President Obama tried to negotiate much to the chagrin of liberals, i don’t know what else he could have done.

We do have a debt problem, but it could be solved by raising revenues. Unfortunately Standard and Poor's came to the conclusion that our government will never again be allowed to raise revenues as long as the loonies on the right continue to block that avenue. Their adherence to the “no taxes” mantra for the wealthy has ruined our credit rating. They own it now, no one else. They do not care what happens to the country or to you.

Will they accept responsibility for the mess they have made of our country since 9/11, i doubt it? Although i don’t put much value on the S&P assessment, according to reports their initial accounting was off by 2 trillion and their evaluation of the mortgage backed securities as triple A credit worthy was a complete disaster, just the fact that it is out there gives the vulture’s carrion to eat.

i don’t usually post on the weekend but i want this out there. The ideology of the right has ruined our credit rating, chew on that and pass it on.

1 comment:

Donna said...

I'm sure you've seen this most excellent article by Robert Reich pointing out that it was S & P's failure to downgrade junk securities - derivitives, that was largely responsible for our current economic woes AND the S & P has a political investment (actually visa versa, too) in the GOP and so it was much to their advantage to double down on the recession - YIKES! Us po folk may be out of our league on this one.
