Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Government is not a business

The nation has had 28 consecutive months of job growth and 24 months of consecutive retail sales growth but unemployment remains high while corporations sit on record amounts of cash. All of us agree the growth across the nation has been small but it has kept growing during President Obama's tenure.

Now we all remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR, the military and all the other government agencies crashed the market and wiped out half the 401K's, took trillions in taxpayer money, spilled oil in the gulf and gave themselves millions in bonuses, don't remember that...well your right i don't remember that either.

But many say we should run government like a business...i don't think so.

Do you want government to have the right to poison, would it be able to discriminate at will, would profit be the overall goal? If you believe in freedom and if government is run like a business whose freedom takes precedence?

Companies are not a democracy they operate to make a profit not to base decisions on collective actions that can't be accomplished alone. Running a government means need justifies cost, not profit.

Corporations pay their CEO's millions of dollars a year, should we pay the President $100,000,000 a year to run the government? Or should it be like Borders where we could identify states that are unprofitable and maybe sell Louisiana back to the French? Or have you forgotten that every business takes on debt and understands that they may never pay it back if they aren't successful. haven't thought about that... well most people don't think about those things.

Government is different from business. Let me say that again...GOVERNMENT IS DIFFERENT FROM BUSINESS...Not everything returns a profit. Ask yourself this question, which business do you think government should mirror Borders, AIG, Bethlehem Steel, Blockbuster, Leman Brothers, Circuit City how exactly is running government like a business going to help the nation?


Business keep their affairs private. They don't have outside oversight and keep legions of lawyers in court to keep prying eyes out of their business. We still have the Sunshine Act which keeps an eye on government abuse but for how much longer? If we keep voting against government there will be none and we can expect to live in a country very similar to Somalia. Voters never make the connection between mobsters and corrupt corporate behavior but they want our country run like a business.

Conservative voters want no regulations, who thought up that crazy idea? If you want contaminated food, contaminated air, water and land vote for no regulation. At some point the cost to the environment and the cost to the nation has to be valued. We have to put a dollar amount on depleted resources, dirty air and dirty water. Corporations don't want you to think about those things so remember


i copied all the below out of someone's diary on line that i forgot to get the name of but i think it is worth repeating.

ObamaCare for Freedom Lovers

• ObamaCare mends a hole in contract law by stopping insurance companies from taking your money for years then using some typo or the fact that you had acne in high school to kick you off their rolls when you get sick.
• 96% of small businesses have fewer than 50 employees. Small businesses that have fewer than 10 employees, average wages beneath $25,000, and that provide insurance for their workers will get a 50% tax credit on their contribution.
• Freeloaders who purposely avoided buying insurance then showed up at the emergency room expecting treatment at everyone else's expense must finally take responsibility for themselves.
• The nation's shortage of doctors and nurses starts getting addressed, as programs such as scholarships and loan forgiveness help bring health professionals to small town America.
• Kids who got dealt a bad hand on the health front, such as those with leukemia, can no longer be excluded from insurance policies.
• Young people in college and just starting out can stay on their parents' insurance policies until they are 26 years old.
• The elderly no longer need to cut pills in half until next month's check arrives. ObamaCare closes the Donut Hole!
• Insurance companies must pay rebates to customers if they don't spend minimum levels on healthcare, rather than on CEO bonuses. Will you get a check?
• ObamaCare lets you take control of your life and begin making healthy choices before they cost you big time. Americans with insurance must get access to preventative services, such as annual checkups, mammograms and colonoscopies.  Remember: It's cheaper to prevent than to treat!
See ya next week.

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