Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Regularly i do a clean out around the computer area and find all sorts of notes i have tucked away for further study. Unfortunately a lot of the time they just get cleaned up and tossed when i realize i'll never get to them. This morning i was doing another clean-out and decided this time to just put up some of the stuff i think important at that time.

i write down little snatches of quotes without the author's name just because i like them. i used to have them pasted up all around the computer area but it was looking so tacky i got rid of them and started a pile. My dad used to write down notes on napkins he got in restaurants so i guess it runs in the family. Here are a few:

“Leadership is about going first and setting an example.”

“Value is the trilogy of all time for it includes morals and will.”

“The reversal of decisions is like a plague placed upon the door saying “We are loath to take risks.”

Further into the mess i must have been thinking about a poem but never put it together instead i have the outline.

lean forward/future ahead
lean backwards/past behind
holding warm coffee/affection and warmth
cold tea/snub
hot tea/acceptance

i don't know what i was going to do with that but out it goes.

i figure if i have paste it here i can get rid of the bits of paper. Here is one that i must have thought would make a good blog post.

Agnotology...culturally constructed ignorance purposefully created by special interest groups working hard to create confusion and suppress the truth”

Here's another thought:
There is no fossil evidence of the change in intellectual capacity for it can't be quantified. Transmutation of information was usually internal and evolved as a system of thought that was then externalized.
Sister Mary sweeping up Gallows Bay

Books...i like to read a lot. In fact if i'm not busy i'm always reading. Many times i come across reviews that sound like something i might like and i write the books name down only later to forget what it was i liked about it. Here is a list of some of them i have written on pieces of paper. The titles are intriguing but i don't have time to go look them all up again so i stack the pieces in a pile and paper clip them together with others i've saved. i don't think i will ever have enough time to read all the books i want to.

This clean out i apparently thought these books looked good.

“The Madonnas of Leningrad” by Debra Dean

“The New Jim Crow” no author

“The Blue Books” by Al Kennedy

“Orphan Masters Son” didn't write down the authors name

“Volt” by Heathcock

“The Instructions” by Adam Levin

“The Family Trade” by Charles Stross

“The Sisters Brothers” by Patrick DeWitt

“Fingersmith” by Sarah Waters and

“Beside the Sea” by Veronique Olmi

Movies are big in my list pile too and i have no idea if they are any good. Sometimes, when we go to watch things i've read about, the review is better than the movie and we quickly shut it down. These are a few in my latest stack.

“The Artist” Oscar winner

“A Separation” foreign film

“Saving Face” a short documentary

“The Shore” a live action short

“Blue Valentine” 2010

“Departures” Japanese film


“Certified Copy”

May be some of you have seen these and can pass on a thumbs up.  Or have read some of the books...let me know so i can weed them out. The computer area is clean now.

See ya next week.

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