Wednesday, October 2, 2013


A few weeks ago i wrote a piece about things i wasn't going to write about...well today i just can't keep my little fingers from pecking away here at an issue that is impacting the nation negatively. 

Hostage taking is when a small group holds people against their will while issuing demands for certain conditions to be met.

If there is anyone out there who can view the current government shutdown as anything other than hostage taking then you should have your head examined. Polls show that most of us know who the culpable party is and if you don't i'll repeat their name REPUBLICANS in the House. Even the fricking Chamber of Commerce has written a letter to Congress that was signed by over 250 business groups urging them not to shutdown.

Federal workers are not some amorphous group of hated government employees. They are real people, with families, mortgages, and car loans that go to work every day to provide services to tax payers. The REPUBLICANS could care less about them or this nation and i hope everyone wakes up to this fact. Killing the Federal government by any means possible is directly affecting the business climate of this nation.

Instead of focusing on a program that will help millions of people in the nation finally have access to health care they should be focusing on reducing our bulging military and intelligence agencies. But no they want to hold the nation hostage over a law the REPUBLICANS couldn't repeal via legal mechanisms in the House. They are a bunch of babies whinning and crying because some in this nation think we should all have access to health care. 

Never before has a debt ceiling or a budget been an excuse to negotiate a different piece of legislation and if you ask me the elephants in the House have definitely lost their grip on reality. The Me Party that is controlling the elephants has really gone off the deep end. Elephants usually operate under herd behavior but i think the lack of any guiding force amongst this particular herd has made them all go bat shit crazy. They really do hate this country and its citizens.

This shutdown is costing the nation billions of dollars so where is the gain??? This has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility nothing at all.

It drives me crazy when Republicans say the private sector will be the driver of prosperity and that government plays no role. When the private sector has been lowering wages for years and excluding medical benefits and overtime how the frack does that create prosperity. How exactly does a man or woman working 29 hours a week get ahead?

Demented children have been given power over the nation and have reduced politics to its crudest form. This process we are witnessing doesn't work, it is a wrecking ball gone out of control. Just the idea of closing down government so millions of citizens can't get health care makes me want to vomit. Is turning the US into a laughing stock all we have left?

You've read this all somewhere else so i won't belabor it, just know it makes me sick to see
Republicans hate their people so.  i leave you with this quote from Johann von Goethe.

“None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies.”

See ya next week

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